Фразы в похожем контексте
Примеры перевода
His face was thrust forward, his eyes were half closed as though he saw something coming towards him.
La cabeza adelantada y los ojos medio cerrados, como si viera algo que avanzara hacia él.
And so he had been very busy giving in on many points in the treaty, hoping to thrust forward and hold on to what he really wanted in other areas.
Y por eso había estado muy ocupado cediendo en muchos puntos, con la esperanza de avanzar y mantener lo que de verdad quería.
As they thrust forward they felt things brush against their heads, or against their hands, long tentacles, or hanging growths perhaps: they could not tell what they were.
Y mientras se empeñaban en avanzar sentían cosas que les rozaban la cabeza o las manos, largos tentáculos o excrecencias colgantes, tal vez: no lo sabían.
She imagined the fears and the doubts and the anguish of wanting that boiled behind those green eyes, and she waited, her face turned up to him, neither pulling back nor thrusting forward, waiting for him to accept the inevitability of it.
Imaginó los miedos, las dudas, la angustia del deseo hirviendo detrás de aquellos ojos verdes. Y esperó, con el rostro vuelto hacia él, sin retirarse ni avanzar, a que él aceptara aquello como lo inevitable.
The manner in which she was chained seemed calculated to emphasize her debasement; her ankles were connected by a short chain and her hands were bound tightly behind her, forcing her to mince forward with her shoulders back and her breasts thrust forward.
El modo en que iba encadenada parecía calculado para enfatizar su degradación: sus tobillos estaban sujetos por una corta cadena y llevaba las manos fuertemente atadas a la espalda, forzándola a avanzar con las espaldas hacia atrás y alzando el pecho.
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