Перевод для "they were happy" на испанский
Примеры перевода
I was acting out, they were happy to go along and take advantage.
Estaba actuando, ellos eran felices siguiendo y cogiendo ventaje.
And they were happy and I was happy.
Ellos eran felices y yo también.
They were happy because we protected them as a shepherd protects his sheep.
Ellos estaban felices porque los protegíamos como un pastor protege a sus ovejas.
The good thing about hanging out with nerds was they were happy to hang out with anybody.
Lo bueno de juntarse con los nerds era que estaban felices de juntarse con cualquiera.
Of course they were happy Irene was finally getting married.
Claro que estaban felices de que Irene por fin se casase.
They said they were happy to see me... and I said, "I'm pregnant."
Dijeron que estaban felices de verme y yo dije, "estoy embarazada".
They kept saying they were happy, but...
Decían que estaban felices, pero...
I heard they were happy to get rid of him.
que estaban felices de haberse deshecho de él.
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