Перевод для "they punished" на испанский
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Those who either ordered or planned the acts, or in the case of those in effective command and control, failed to prevent or punish perpetrators, bear responsibility.
Son responsables quienes ordenaron o planearon los actos o quienes, ocupando puestos de mando y autoridad efectivos, no los impidieron ni castigaron a sus autores.
He notes that the State party's authorities have failed to identify the organizers of the event and instead have randomly punished selected participants of the commemoration.
Señala que las autoridades del Estado parte no identificaron a los organizadores de los actos y, en vez de ello, castigaron al azar a algunos participantes en la conmemoración.
In several cases, the Indonesian military punished abuses by its personnel.
En varios casos las autoridades militares indonesias castigaron abusos perpetrados por sus efectivos.
It has been claimed that the Basiji Forces were sent to guide the violators but it was also pointed out immediately that they punished them.
Se ha afirmado que se enviaron fuerzas basij para orientar a los infractores, pero inmediatamente se señala que esas fuerzas castigaron a los infractores.
Furthermore, they failed to punish those under their control who committed serious crimes.
Tampoco castigaron a quienes estaban bajo su control y habían cometido crímenes graves.
The local authorities later punished the persons involved.
Posteriormente, las autoridades locales castigaron a las personas implicadas.
Moreover, the authorities in Belarus appear to have failed to investigate, prosecute and punish the police for such acts.
Además, las autoridades de Belarús aparentemente no investigaron el caso ni procesaron o castigaron a los policías por esos actos.
They punished us by attacking our airspace, our territorial waters and our cities, yet we were not subjugated.
Nos castigaron atacando nuestro espacio aéreo, nuestras aguas territoriales y nuestras ciudades; no obstante, no fuimos sometidos.
What did they punish you for?
—¿Por qué te castigaron?
They punished the children;
Castigaron a los niños;
I was punished for my crime.
Me castigaron por el delito.
I suspect they were punished.
Creo que los castigaron.
I didn’t take any punishment for it.”
No me castigaron por ello.
“As a result, were you punished?”
–Como resultado, ¿le castigaron a usted?
How did they punish the Muslims?
—¿Cómo castigaron a los musulmanes?
That was wikked pride and I was punished.
Fue una muestra de soberbia y me castigaron.
at least, he never got punished.
Al menos, nunca le castigaron.
“How many times did they punish her?”
—¿En cuantas ocasiones la castigaron?
It was also observed that, in practice, the population of an entire State was punished by measures adopted by the Security Council.
Se advirtió también que en, la práctica, las medidas que adoptaba el Consejo de Seguridad castigaban a toda la población.
Such acts were punished in accordance with the Constitution and the law and cases were prosecuted in the courts.
Se castigaban de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la Constitución y las leyes y los casos se sometían a las jurisdicciones.
Discriminatory acts on the ground of sexual orientation are criminally punishable.
Los actos de discriminación por motivos de orientación sexual se castigaban penalmente.
Previously, such offences were punishable by death only if loss of life was involved.
En el pasado esos delitos se castigaban con la pena de muerte sólo si habían acarreado pérdidas de vida.
The Working Group also noted with concern the failure of Governments to punish those responsible for the violations.
El Grupo de Trabajo también tomó nota con preocupación de que había gobiernos que no castigaban a los responsables de esas
Negative comments about Libyan leadership were punished, and self-censorship was rife.
Se castigaban los comentarios negativos sobre los dirigentes libios y la autocensura estaba a la orden del día.
It urged review of the list of crimes punishable by death.
Instó a revisar la lista de delitos que se castigaban con la pena de muerte.
In fact, the authorities illegally punished any attempt to leave the territory of Mauritania.
De hecho, las autoridades castigaban de forma ilegal cualquier intento de abandonar el territorio de Mauritania.
The punishments for crimes perpetrated under this section include fines and an imprisonment of up to ten years.
Los delitos previstos en este artículo se castigaban con multas y con penas de hasta diez años de prisión.
Then you would be punished.
Entonces te castigaban.
The Aztecs punished sodomy harshly.
Los aztecas la castigaban duramente.
Infractions were punishable by death.
las traiciones se castigaban con la muerte.
In school, he was punished for such escapades.
En la Prepa, lo castigaban por estas escapadas.
I was just punished all the time.
Sólo que me castigaban continuamente.
He was punished for protecting his brother.
Lo castigaban por proteger a su hermano.
What were they punishing him for up there?
¿De qué y por qué lo castigaban de allá arriba?
“What manner were you punished as a boy?”
—¿De qué forma os castigaban cuando erais un niño?
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