Перевод для "that is incurable" на испанский
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Treatment for incurable conditions
Derecho a prestaciones para el tratamiento médico en caso de enfermedad incurable
(a) An incurable illness or if it has caused the victim to enter a vegetative state;
a) Una enfermedad incurable o hubiere sido la causa de que la víctima haya entrado en estado vegetativo;
insanity which is pronounced incurable
Demencia considerada incurable
Diabetes is incurable, but its management is within human reach.
La diabetes es incurable, pero su gestión está a nuestro alcance.
We will cure the incurable.
Curaremos lo incurable.
The disease's incurable nature
El carácter incurable de la enfermedad
Malaria is not considered incurable.
El paludismo no se considera incurable.
That the spouse is incurably of unsound mind
:: Demencia incurable del cónyuge;
(d) That the spouse is incurably of unsound mind;
d) Demencia incurable del cónyuge;
And that it was incurable.
Y que era incurable.
The islands of incurables
Las islas de los incurables...
An incurable romantic!
¡Una romántica incurable!
Incurable diseases!
¡Enfermedades incurables!
Incurably optimistic!
¡Optimista incurable!
“Really, you’re incurable.
En realidad, eres incurable.
But all were incurable.
Pero todas eran incurables.
Her disease was incurable.
Su enfermedad era incurable.
Because it was judged incurable.
—Porque se lo ha juzgado incurable.
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