Перевод для "that forewarned" на испанский
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Such notice, it was noted, would give only enough information for the searcher to be forewarned and to decide whether to extend credit to a certain person and, if so, on what terms.
Se señaló que dicha inscripción daría a la persona que la consultara solamente la información suficiente para estar prevenido y para decidir si se concedía financiación a una persona determinada y, de ser así, en qué condiciones.
In 2008, the Interdepartmental Commission, together with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the NGO Modar, held a round-table discussion and seminar for representatives of the embassies of the United States, Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, China, Japan, Turkey, the Russian Federation and Sweden, entitled How not to become a victim of the slave traders of the twenty-first century: forewarned is forearmed.
La Comisión Interinstitucional, conjuntamente con la OSCE y la ONG Modar, organizaron en 2008 una mesa redonda y un seminario para representantes de las embajadas de los Estados Unidos, Afganistán, Irán, Kazajstán, Kirguistán, Uzbekistán, China, Japón, Turquía, Rusia, Suecia con el tema: Cómo evitar ser víctima de los esclavistas del siglo XXI: hombre prevenido vale por dos.
Forewarned, we may be able to—
SI estamos prevenidos quizás podamos.
They were on their guard because they were forewarned.
Aquí estaban prevenidos y sobre aviso, porque sabían.
Yet still the French could be forewarned.
No obstante, los franceses podrían estar prevenidos.
It occurred to me that perhaps Hector had forewarned him.
He pensado que quizá Hector lo haya prevenido.
"We haven't been informed, consulted, or even forewarned.
No se nos ha informado, consultado o incluso prevenido.
Yet it was impossible he should have been forewarned;
Les parecía, sin embargo, imposible que hubiera sido prevenido;
After all, he was forewarned, which was surely an advantage.
Después de todo, había sido prevenido, lo cual, sin duda, constituía una ventaja.
I’d like to be forewarned if there’s going to be any violence.”
Me gustaría estar prevenido si va a haber violencia.
Perhaps forewarned, Cromwell changed his habits.
Tal vez prevenido, Cromwell cambiaba su rutina a menudo.
Perhaps if someone had prepared, forewarned us.
Tal vez si alguien nos hubiera avisado, si nos hubieran prevenido.
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