Перевод для "that be allow" на испанский
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I am not allowed to leave.
No se me permite marcharme.
Corporal punishment is not allowed.
No se permite el castigo corporal.
The programme allows:
El programa permite:
It allows for data supplementation;
e) Permite la complementación de datos;
Spouses not allowed to work
No se permite que los cónyuges trabajen
Abortion allowed to:
Se permite el aborto:
They are not allowed to open clinics.
No se les permite abrir consultorios.
I am not allowed to go about.
No se me permite circular.
These laws allow:
En esas leyes se permite:
What I allow or do not allow has nothing to do with the matter.
—Lo que yo permita o no permita no tiene nada que ver.
I don't allow hunting here."0 "Youdon't allow?
yo no permito que aquí se cace. —¿Que tú no lo permites?
I am not concerned by whatever it is that you allow or don’t allow.
Lo que usted me permita o no me permita me es completamente indiferente.
“He’s allowed to write and you’re allowed to pull your support.”
A él se le permite escribir y a vosotros se os permite negarle vuestro apoyo.
No adults allowed.
No se permite a los adultos.
The curse will not allow it.
—La maldición no me lo permite.
Not allowed to know.
No se nos permite saber.
“He doesn’t allow me.
—Él no me lo permite.
They aren’t allowed to be about me.”
No se me permite que sean para mí.
- Allow for shorter reports,
- Permiten abreviar los informes;
Agreements: Concepts Allowing for a
sobre Inversión: conceptos que permiten
For instance, were mixed marriages allowed?
Por ejemplo, ¿se permiten los matrimonios mixtos?
We are not allowed to pray there.
No nos permiten orar.
In other cases, such deviations are not allowed.
Esas excepciones no se permiten en otros casos.
Parents do not send to school (do not allow)
a la escuela (no le permiten asistir)
Because it is allowed to.
—Porque se lo permiten.
“I’m not allowed to.”
—No me lo permiten.
But she’s not allowed to.’
Pero no se lo permiten.
"As much as they'll allow.
—Tanto como ellos nos permiten.
Why are you allowing this?
¿Por qué lo permiten?
“When she’s allowed to be.”
Cuando se lo permiten.
“Because I’m not allowed to.
—Porque no me lo permiten.
Sisters… not allow.
Hermanas no… permiten.
Photographs not allowed;
No se permiten cotograpías;
No secrets allowed.
No se permiten secretos.
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