Перевод для "taut-skinned" на испанский
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His back and shoulders were well-developed, with muscles flexing beneath the taut skin.
Tenía la espalda y los hombros muy desarrollados, con músculos que se flexionaban bajo la piel tensa.
Gwydyr gestured behind him, and the drummers began to beat slowly on the taut skins.
Gwydyr hizo un gesto a sus espaldas y los tamborileros comenzaron a percutir lentamente las tensas pieles.
She looked away from the figure in glass to the dull, taut skin of the Baron's face.
Ella desvió la vista de la figura encerrada en vidrio a la piel tensa y opaca del rostro del Barón.
With a swift movement he knelt on the ground in front of her and kissed the taut skin of her distended belly.
Con un rápido movimiento, Jack se arrodilló en tierra junto a ella y besó la piel tensa de su abultado vientre.
His features had a fullness at odds with his slim torso, his thin shoulders, taut-skinned chest.
Sus rasgos poseían una plenitud que contrastaba con su esbelto torso, sus delgados hombros, la tensa piel de su pecho.
The point of the knife went through the wool of his tunic and the linen of his undershirt and was stopped by the taut skin of his belly.
La daga, atravesó la lana de su capa y el tejido de su ropa interior y se detuvo en la epidermis tensa del estómago.
All his life he would remember the texture of their taut skin, the tough bristles, their delicate leaps in moments of nervousness.
Durante toda su vida recordaría la textura de su piel tensa, las duras cerdas, sus delicados saltos en momentos de nerviosismo.
Her heart knocked, each beat as if struck from the taut skin of an aboriginal drum, summoning her deepest and most primitive fears.
El corazón se le aceleró, latiendo como si golpearan la tensa piel de un tambor aborigen, despertando sus temores más profundos y primitivos.
He had developed into a sinewy man with taut skin and muscles; his eyes were alert, surrounded by fine lines, and he was tanned and freckled.
Se había transformado en un hombre fibroso, piel y músculos tensos, con los ojos atentos rodeados de arrugas finas, bronceado y pecoso.
He traced a line down to her pubis, the sharp nail digging a furrow in the taut skin of her belly as the woman screamed hoarsely.
La uña bajó despacio, a lo largo del cuerpo, hasta el pubis, fingiendo excavar un surco en la piel tensa de su vientre, y arrancó a la joven un grito lúgubre y ronco.
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