Перевод для "tailored suits" на испанский
Tailored suits
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Примеры перевода
Her tailored suit fit as snug as a uniform.
El traje a medida le sentaba igual de bien que si fuera un uniforme.
Edgar was a stylish dresser who liked custom-tailored suits and tasseled shoes.
Este vestía con estilo y le gustaban los trajes a medida y los zapatos con borlas.
Until five years ago he wore tailored suits. He was a dandy.
   - Hasta hace cinco años vestía trajes a medida. Era un dandi.
An emaciated wanderer wearing a tailored suit made ragged by months in the wild.
Un vagabundo demacrado con traje a medida andrajoso a causa de los meses que llevaba en el páramo.
He had a healthy tan, sculpted hair, a tailored suit casually worn.
Lucía un bronceado de aspecto saludable, pelo engominado y un traje a medida que llevaba con naturalidad.
The first thing I’ll do if I land this job is get measured for a tailored suit.
La primera cosa que haré, si consigo el trabajo, será encargar un traje a medida.
She’s slim, and always wears tailored suits with silk tops under her jacket.
Es esbelta y siempre lleva trajes a medida con blusa de seda bajo la chaqueta.
He looked so uptight. His clean hair was too perfect, his tailored suit too crisp.
Su peinado era excesivamente perfecto; su traje a medida, demasiado impecable.
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