Перевод для "swimming around" на испанский
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The sharks are swimming around.
Los tiburones estan nadando alrededor.
Probably swimming around a pond, wondering where their little mommy quacked off to, screaming for them.
Probablemente nadando alrededor de un estanque, preguntándose dónde estará su mamá, graznando por ellos.
- Nothing's going on, just sharks swimming around.
-No pasa nada, solo son tiburones nadando alrededor.
The alligators are swimming around us and we don't even know whether they're there.
Y los cocodrilos están nadando alrededor. Ni siquiera sabemos que están ahí.
When he did that, he didn't see anything interesting in the peppercorns, but he found that there were little animals swimming around.
Cuando lo hizo, no vio nada interesante en las semillas de pimienta, pero se dio cuenta de que había pequeños animales nadando alrededor.
I was swimming around the world, Maryland to Maryland.
Estaba nadando alrededor del mundo, de Meryland a Merland.
And if you did, they'd be swimming around in the shallow end of the gene pool!
Y si lo hicieras, estarían nadando alrededor en la parte menos profunda de la reserva genética!
And there's dozens of little fish swimming around the boat.
Y hay pececitos nadando alrededor.
Now, imagine your brain swimming around in all that crap, trying to what, remember the good so we can remind each other of who we really are?
Ahora, imagine que a tu cerebro nadando alrededor de toda esa basura, tratando de recordar lo bueno entonces podemos recordar a los demás de lo que realmente somos?
“Not very much, no.” She riffled through the basket and handed him a baby blanket embroidered with a school of fish swimming around the border.
—No, no mucho —rebuscó en la canasta y le entregó una manta para bebé bordada con un banco de peces nadando alrededor de la orilla—.
Friend's bald head was encircled by wisps of gray hair, like a school of silverfish swimming around a coral dome.
La calva de Friend estaba rodeada por mechones de pelo gris que parecían pececillos plateados nadando alrededor de un banco de coral.
They’d swim around the perimeter gingerly, as if they knew they had to assess the dangers of this new place before they could even begin to function.
Nadando alrededor del perímetro cautelosamente, como si tuviera que evaluar los peligros del nuevo lugar antes de poder comenzar a hacer nada.
He was a fish swimming around the bait Bosch had cast, seeming to know there was a hook in it but thinking there might be a way to get the bait without the hook.
Era como un pez nadando alrededor del cebo que Bosch había lanzado, consciente de que había un anzuelo, pero pensando que tal vez existía un modo de llevarse el cebo y salir ileso.
He saw two figures swimming around one, training the sargassum on to the manta skeleton with the grace of people who spent their entire lives in the water.
Distinguió dos figuras nadando alrededor de una manta, haciendo que el sargazo aprendiera a desarrollarse sobre el esqueleto de la manta. Se movían con la gracia de las personas que habían pasado su vida entera en el agua.
‘You know, Doctor,’ he said, popping them into a plastic bag for examination later by his own forensic experts, ‘it scares the wits out of me that these things are just swimming around in that water out there.’ He tied a knot in the plastic bag, then lowered it carefully into a thermosealed box. ‘D’you think they really will start attacking soon?’
—Sabes, Doctor —dijo, colocando las muestras en una bolsa de plástico para posterior análisis por sus propios expertos forenses—. Me pone nervioso que estas criaturas sólo estén nadando alrededor en esa agua por allí —hizo un nudo en la bolsa de plástico, luego la puso con cuidado en una caja de termo sellado— ¿Crees que realmente van a atacar pronto?
He’s got a couple of goldfish swimming around in the bathtub.”
En la bañera están nadando unos pececillos.
It was a bunch of fish swimming around.” “Thanks, Dereece.
Salían unos peces nadando. —Gracias, Dereece.
“I’d rather go in an aquarium and swim around.
Preferiría en un acuario y pasarme el día nadando.
I had hoped to swim around the rock, dog paddling in the surf.
Había pensado bordear la roca, nadando como los perros.
“Wish I were in it,” she said, “swimming around in the moonlight.
—Quisiera estar allí —dijo— nadando a la luz de la luna...
Swimming around another corner, I stared down a long corridor.
Doblé otra esquina nadando y me encontré en un largo pasillo.
At least, I seem to remember her swimming around some in the Quarter Quell.
Por lo menos, creo recordarla nadando un poco en el Quarter Quell.
And I kept diving in and swimming around and kissing Susan and admiring her.
Y yo seguí zambulléndome en la piscina y nadando, besando a Susan y admirándola.
See that fin popping up, that old familiar shark come swimming around.
Ves asomar una aleta y ese viejo tiburón se te acerca nadando.
You will have noticed in the lobby natatorium that we have a sharmuta swimming around all day.
Se habrá fijado que en el acuario del vestíbulo hay una sharmuta nadando todo el día.
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