Перевод для "sweating profusely" на испанский
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One foot in front of the other. Sweating profusely.
Un pie delante del otro, sudando abundantemente.
Al-Husseini, sweating profusely, stared up at Grange and shook his head.
Al-Husseini, sudando abundantemente, miró a Grange a los ojos y negó con la cabeza.
Mr. Smith was suddenly aware that he had been sweating profusely for a few minutes, and he was not given to perspiration.
—El señor Smith notó de pronto que llevaba unos minutos sudando abundantemente, y él no era muy dado a sudar.
My brother's condition has gotten better but... there's still a lot of phlegm and he's sweating profusely.
El estado de mi hermano ha mejorado pero... todavía hay una gran cantidad de flema y está sudando profusamente.
Your upper lip is sweating profusely.
Su labio superior está sudando profusamente.
I just sometimes express great joy by stuttering and sweating profusely.
Solo que a veces expreso gran alegría tartamudeando y sudando profusamente.
'Well… er…' He was fidgeting in his seat, sweating profusely.
—Bueno... eh... —Se movió en el asiento, sudando profusamente—.
In his hand was the same limp handkerchief. He was still sweating profusely.
en su mano, el mismo pañuelo arrugado: y continuaba sudando profusamente.
Sweating profusely, he stepped to the entrance and opened the door, allowing a blast of cool air to gush through.
Pero antes, sudando profusamente, fue hasta la entrada y abrió la puerta para que entrara un poco de aire fresco.
GLENN LUTZ sat at his desk at a quarter to four that same afternoon, sweating profusely.
Glenn Lutz estaba sentado detrás del escritorio esa misma tarde a las cuatro, sudando profusamente.
Broto said, sweating profusely. In a trembling voice, he added, “It’s the last one!”
-Broto, sudando profusamente, le alcanzó un cargador, mientras añadía con voz temblorosa-: ¡Es el último!
No. No. No … Trembling, sweating profusely, racked by violent coughs and hiccups, she was putting on a show of being extremely uncomfortable.
No. No. No… Temblando, sudando profusamente, sacudida por una tos y unos hipos violentos, actuaba como si se sintiese extremadamente incómoda.
I lost half the day sweating profusely next to that ghastly fire and trying to convince her I wasn’t dying.
Perdí medio día sudando profusamente junto a ese espantoso fuego y tratando de convencerla de que no me estaba muriendo.
asked an oily salesman who had appeared almost from nowhere, rubbing his hands nervously and sweating profusely in the heat. “This car.
—preguntó un empalagoso vendedor que había aparecido casi de la nada, frotándose las manos nervioso y sudando profusamente por el calor. —Este coche.
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