Перевод для "submitted to him" на испанский
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He will not perform the ritual until I have submitted to him by my own free will.
No realizará el ritual hasta que me haya sometido a él por voluntad propia.
He is convinced that he’s much better than his brother and he’d never put up with submitting to him, living in his shadow.
Sabe que es mejor que su hermano y nunca podrá soportar el estar sometido a él, vivir a su sombra.
She was submitting to him the way she had submitted to his father and there was a side of him that triumphed and a side that hated her for her frailty.
Se sometía a él del mismo modo que se había sometido a su padre, y una parte de él se deleitaba en el triunfo mientras la otra odiaba a su madre por su fragilidad.
She had submitted to him body and soul, letting him take what he needed, and now she was limp from the loving she had received, languid, drowsy, and deliciously warm.
Ella se había sometido a él en cuerpo y alma, dejándole coger lo que necesitase, y ahora ella estaba flácida por las atenciones amatorias recibidas, lánguida, adormilada y deliciosamente cálida.
Joan returned to the arguments he had learned from his masters: “A good husband should strive to control his wife’s natural wickedness by applying the following principles: firstly, woman should be governed by the man, and should submit to him. ‘Sub potestate viri eris,’ we are told in Genesis.
Joan recuperó el hilo de la explicación que le habían proporcionado sus profesores catedralicios: – Un buen marido debe procurar controlar la malicia natural de su esposa según algunos principios: el primero de ellos es que la mujer se halla bajo el dominio del hombre, sometida a él: «Sub potestate viri eris», reza el Génesis.
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