Перевод для "stupefactive" на испанский
Примеры перевода
She looked at him in stupefaction.
-lo miró, estupefacta-.
Guido stared at this in stupefaction.
Guido miró estupefacto ese último documento.
She stared at Avery with stupefaction.
Se quedó mirando a Avery estupefacta.
She stared with something like stupefaction.
Se quedó mirando estupefacta.
Colonel Albion looked at him in stupefaction.
El coronel Albion lo miró estupefacto.
Desjardeaux looked at him in stupefaction for some moments.
Desjardeaux le miró estupefacto durante unos momentos.
They stared at each other, he in delight, she in stupefaction.
Se quedaron mirándose, él encantado, ella estupefacta.
She eyed him in a stupefaction that was blended with annoyance. "And if it were?
Ella le miró entre disgustada y estupefacta. —¿Y qué, si hubiese sido así?
To her stupefaction the hands pointed to a quarter to ten.
Estupefacta, comprobó que las manecillas señalaban las diez menos cuarto.
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