Перевод для "stuffed tomato" на испанский
Stuffed tomato
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What is it, Litsa... make the stuffed tomatoes, yes... but don't use raisins this time.
Qué pasa, Litsa... haz los tomates rellenos, sí, pero esta vez no pongas pasas.
-Portuguese Remaker -Stuffed tomatoes -Crepes with...
tomates rellenos, panqueques con...
Ah, it is a chop, signore, with a very fine crème sauce, potatoes, asparagus, stuffed tomato, and other fresh vegetables.
Ah, es toda una chuleta, signore, acompañada de una fina salsa cremosa patatas, espárragos, tomates rellenos, y otras verduras frescas.
I walk to our apartment thinking that I’m going to fix myself a tuna-stuffed tomato.
Camino hasta nuestro departamento pensando que me haré un tomate relleno con atún.
This was a very pleasant surprise because baked aubergines are my second favourite dish after stuffed tomatoes.
Es una sorpresa agradable, porque las berenjenas imam son mis segundas preferidas después de los tomates rellenos.
Trace ordered a small salad, stuffed tomatoes and spiced Greek sausages. And a cold beer.
Trace pidió una pequeña ensalada, tomates rellenos y salchichas picantes griegas. Y una cerveza fría.
Amira laughed at Trace’s reading of the thing, and translated: ‘Various salads, lamb cutlets, stuffed tomatoes, and red snappers.
Amira se echó a reír al ver la cara de Trace leyendo la carta y se la tradujo: —Variedad de ensaladas, chuletas de cordero, tomates rellenos y pargos rojos.
About the bell tower near his flat in Trastevere, about the fading gradations of mud-brown paint on the house fronts, about huge stuffed tomatoes in the piazza restaurants and the macho roar of Fiats.
sobre las gradaciones descendentes de la pintura color barro de las fachadas de las casas; sobre los inmensos tomates rellenos de los restaurantes de las piazzas y del viril estruendo de los Fiat.
I almost told her to go and keep Mrs Ghikas company in Spetses, but I held my tongue, because it would have been at least a week before we were back on speaking terms. Then we’d have to go through the whole rigmarole of my having to wait for her to cook me my favourite stuffed tomatoes as a sign that she was ready to make up. Besides, I intended to keep my promise to her about the holidays.
Estuve a punto de mandarla a veranear a Spetses con la mujer de Guikas pero me callé, porque el enfado le duraría como mínimo una semana, y yo me quedaría esperando con ansia el famoso plato de tomates rellenos que sellaría nuestra reconciliación. A fin de cuentas, no pensaba retractarme de mi promesa de viajar a la isla.
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