Перевод для "stinted" на испанский
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However, I took the opportunity of this annual get-together of the members of the Federation's Council to speak to Council members about a problem which not only came as a surprise to the members of this Administrative Council but more than anything else annoyed them because they could not accept that a federation of lawyers that studied all the major problems relating to the family, women and children and did not stint in the attention and effort it devoted to all the other problems concerning social development and economic activities, without being in any way neglectful of all serious causes, could have had no knowledge of it.
Aproveché esta reunión anual de los miembros del Consejo de la Federación para informarlos de un problema que no solamente los sorprendió sino que, incluso, les produjo disgusto, ya que consideran inadmisible que pueda ponerse en tela de juicio la conducta de una federación de juristas que se ocupa de todos los grandes problemas de la historia de la familia, las mujeres y los niños, sin por ello escatimar esfuerzos para abordar todos los demás problemas relacionados con el desarrollo social y las actividades económicas.
Oh, it's not a time for stinting, Dad.
No es tiempo de escatimar en gastos, papá.
God has answered our prayers wonderfully... by sending us a great gift... one that will enable us to get through many winters... as bitter as this one has been... without stinting one ofhis children of their little ration ofbread and milk... and their warm blanket in the shelter.
Dios ha atendido nuestras plegarias... enviándonos un gran regalo, un regalo que nos permitirá soportar muchos inviernos... tan duros como este ha sido... sin escatimar a ninguno de Sus hijos su ración de pan y leche... ni su manta caliente en el refugio.
I in't going to be stinting with them that used to be my friends and neighbours.
No voy a escatimar con los que solían ser mis amigos y vecinos.
Why should we stint on things like that?
¿Por qué habíamos de escatimar?
Sextus was not a man to stint himself of pleasure.
Sexto no era hombre que escatimara los placeres.
It was expensive, but she told George, "You mustn't stint on anything."
Resultaría muy costosa, pero ella le dijo a George: —No debes escatimar nada.
Do you dare to stint on our final tribute to such a great man?
¿Te atreves a escatimar nuestro último tributo a ese gran hombre?
Use them-and without stint, without bitterness - to rebuild the world.
Utilizad las dos cosas sin escatimar esfuerzo, sin amargura, con el fin de reconstruir el mundo.
York’s wealth was legendary and he would certainly not stint when it came to supplying his men.
La fortuna de York era legendaria y el duque no iba a escatimar en los suministros para sus hombres.
Brodersen recommended going all out, no stinting of booze or pot or anything else.
Brodersen recomendó echar la casa por la ventana, sin escatimar la bebida, la hierba o cualquier otra cosa.
He scattered money without stint in spite of his natural economy, which almost amounted to niggardliness;
Derrochaba el dinero sin escatimar, pese a su innata tacañería que rayaba en la avaricia;
but I hate to stint my wife and daughters, or my friendly neighbours when they come to see me.
pero detesto tener que escatimar con mi mujer y mi hija y con mis amigos cuando vienen a verme.
Pharaoh’s treasury was awash with treasure and he poured out his coinage without stinting a silver coin of it.
Las arcas de la tesorería estaban llenas y el faraón gastaba su riqueza sin escatimar ni una moneda de plata.
The grace of his mind and the skill of his hands had been bestowed without stinting or hesitation upon all who asked or had need.
Sin escatimar ni dudar, había otorgado la gracilidad de su mente y la habilidad de sus manos a todos los que lo pidieron o necesitaron.
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