Перевод для "so known" на испанский
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He is so known.
Es tan conocido. Yo solo-
Ali, you were just... you were a character in the number, and the number is so known for... for being a show about all these characters.
Ali, tu fuiste... fuiste un personaje en el número, y el número es tan conocido por... por ser un espectáculo acerca de todos estos personajes.
But it just so happens that very well known literary agent David kelleher- so known.
Pero resulta que un muy bien conocido... Agente literario, David Kelleher- - Tan conocido.
Her house so known to me that I didn’t even think about where each bowl went in the cabinet, each plastic cup, their rims eaten by the dishwasher.
Su casa me era tan conocida que ni siquiera tenía que pararme a pensar dónde iba cada cuenco en el armario, cada vaso de plástico con los bordes desgastados por el lavavajillas.
But they had all been so known to her, the familiar people, the well known, the people who had been like a fringe of family, an outer wall of safety. She had grown up secure in their friendliness.
Pero todos le eran tan conocidos, personas familiares, bien conocidas, gentes que habían sido como una lejana familia, un muro exterior de seguridad… Había crecido segura de su amistad.
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