Перевод для "so discreet" на испанский
So discreet
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♪ They act so discreet
♪ Actúan tan discretos
They are so discreet.
Son tan discretas.
♪ The act so discreet
♪ El acto tan discreto
I was so discreet but still got caught.
Y yo, tan discreto quedé atrapado.
Here I thought we were being so discreet.
Yo pensaba que éramos tan discretas.
Oh, how charming, yet so discreet.
¡Qué encantador y sin embargo tan discreto!
Thanks for being so discreet.
Gracias por ser tan discreta.
Thank you for being so discreet.
Gracias por ser tan discreto.
Surprising, but she's so discreet.
Sorprendente, pero es tan discreta.
Why are you so discreet?
—¿Por qué eres tan discreto?
It was so discreet that I have forgotten where it was, save only it was in Mayfair, London.
Era tan discreto que he olvidado dónde estaba, salvo que era en Mayfair, Londres.
So discreet he doesn’t feature anywhere, at least not under that name.
El tipo es tan discreto que no figura en ninguna parte, al menos con ese nombre.
Had the servant told Asunta or was she so discreet—or fearful—that she kept quiet?
¿Se lo había contado la mucama a Asunta o era tan discreta —o temerosa— que se calló la boca?
she is so discreet and circumspect herself, she cannot understand that one should find a pleasure in gossiping a little--
es tan discreta y circunspecta… no comprende que haya quien encuentre placer en cotillear un poquito.
The young Australian had been so discreet that the most he had against him was his knowledge of what had been.
El joven australiano había sido tan discreto que lo único que tenía contra él era su conocimiento de todo lo ocurrido.
Despite her size she’s as elusive as a ghost, so discreet that we wonder if we didn’t dream the whole thing up.
A pesar de su corpulencia, es un fantasma furtivo, tan discreto que nos preguntamos si no lo hemos soñado.
Did they think he was praying, his head so holy, his hands so discreet in the folds of his priestly clothing?
¿Creían que estaba rezando, tan sagrada su cabeza, tan discretas sus manos en los pliegues de sus ropajes sacerdotales?
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