Перевод для "snuggle up" на испанский
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The kitten just purred louder and snuggled up.
El gatito se limitaba a ronronear más alto y a acurrucarse.
‘Oh, fine,’ said Michael, slipping out of his dressing gown. They snuggled up together again.
—Bien, bien. —Michael se quitó la bata. Volvieron a acurrucarse el uno contra el otro—.
Edeard and Kristabel had to snuggle up close on the bench. She pulled a fur rug up round their legs.
Edeard y Kristabel tuvieron que acurrucarse muy juntos en el banco y ella cubrió las piernas de los dos con una manta de piel.
Reuben wanted for all the world to snuggle up with her now, either here or upstairs in the regal bed of the master bedroom.
Reuben deseaba de todo corazón acurrucarse junto a ella, allí o arriba, en la majestuosa cama del dormitorio principal.
Early civilisations seem to have chosen to snuggle up close to tectonic fractures, millennia before scientists identified their existence.
Parece como si las primeras civilizaciones hubieran elegido acurrucarse cerca de fracturas tectónicas, milenios antes de que los científicos identificaran su existencia.
He felt her hand on his neck, caressing him gently, then it lay over his chest and she snuggled up to his back.
Sintió que Rakel le acariciaba cariñosamente la nuca antes de ponerle la mano en el pecho y acurrucarse pegada a su espalda.
“Keeping him in here is like snuggling up to a bomb, content that it’s not going to explode simply because you can still hear it ticking.”
Tenerle aquí es como acurrucarse junto a una bomba, pensando que no va a explotar simplemente porque todavía oyes el tictac. —Buen símil —comenté, distraído.
“I never really got used to them . . .” This little ritual over, and their manhood safe, in principle, they could go back to bed, snuggle up against their woman and fall asleep in peace.
«Nunca he conseguido acostumbrarme…» Cumplida esta pequeña ceremonia, habiendo salvado el honor de su virilidad, podían volver a acostarse, acurrucarse contra el cuerpo de su mujer, dormir en paz.
Tove Byfjord had no idea about a child’s need to snuggle up to someone in bed at night, the security of curling up to a grown, strong man who smelled of the forest and a drop or two of sweat and had the biggest arms in the world.
Tove Byfjord no sabía nada sobre la necesidad que tenía un niño de poder acurrucarse en la cama de alguien por la noche, la seguridad de acostarse junto a un hombre adulto y fuerte que olía a bosque y tenía los brazos más robustos del mundo.
It was like snuggling up to a giant spider.
Era como arrimarse a una araña gigante.
But it's a big bed and she's not trying to snuggle up.
Pero es una cama grande, y ella no está intentando arrimarse.
She wanted power and Ferry liked to snuggle up to power.
Ella deseaba poder, y a Ferry le gustaba arrimarse al poder.
Stupidest thing India ever did, snuggling up to the wrong side.
– Es la mayor estupidez que ha cometido la India, arrimarse al bando equivocado.
Li Lan—and let’s call her that for convenience, who knows what her real name is—is assigned to snuggle up to one of the scientists.
Li Lan (llamémosla así por conveniencia, porque a saber cuál será su verdadero nombre) recibe como encargo arrimarse a alguno de los científicos.
The ski lodges at Mount Hutt are lovely but the bedrooms aren't heated after twenty-two and you have to snuggle up close to keep warm.
Los refugios de la estación de esquí en Monte Hutt son encantadores, pero se corta la calefacción en las habitaciones después de las diez de la noche y una tiene que arrimarse para conservarse caliente.
Snuggle up and get warm.
Snuggle up and get warm.
Baby wants to snuggle up to mommy.
Baby wants to snuggle up to mommy.
“No,” Carlo said, thinking he’d as soon snuggle up to a nest of lorrie-lies. “We’re fine.
“No,” Carlo said, thinking he’d as soon snuggle up to a nest of lorrie-lies. “We’re fine.
I've got an excuse to snuggle up outside your tent and look as if I'm just consoling you.'
I've got an excuse to snuggle up outside your tent and look as if I'm just consoling you.'
All she wanted was to go home, have a nice long bath, put on the most unsexy pair of pajamas she owned, eats lots of chocolate and snuggle up on the couch in front of the TV with Gerry.
All she wanted was to go home, have a nice long bath, put on the most unsexy pair of pajamas she owned, eats lots of chocolate and snuggle up on the couch in front of the TV with Gerry.
He wished Sigi was home because he always wanted to snuggle up to her when he felt depressed, and then he got hard and then they made love, after which he fell into a dream- less steep, much to her annoyance because it was after lovemaking that she always wanted to talk about marriage and children.
He wished Sigi was home because he always wanted to snuggle up to her when he felt depressed, and then he got hard and then they made love, after which he fell into a dream- less steep, much to her annoyance because it was after lovemaking that she always wanted to talk about marriage and children.
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