Перевод для "snobbish" на испанский
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Mary, now's not the time to be snobbish.
María, ahora no es el momento de ser snob.
I've been rather snobbish and, and rude.
He sido bastante snob y grosero.
"That's a little snobbish of you, don't you think?"
"¿No resulta un poco ""snob""?"
- Yeah, and he's a bit snobbish too.
- Sí, y también es un poco snob.
The secret of painting or a snobbish way of sketching?
¿O una manera snob de hacer trazos?
It's so snobbish.
Es tan snob.
What, too snobbish?
¿Eso también es snob?
But he is frail. Snobbish, I would say.
Es delicado, un tanto snob.
So they talk loud, act snobbish...
Ya sabes... Se trata de hablar alto, de ser snob...
This place is so boring and snobbish.
Este lugar es tan aburrido y snob.
No. But snobbish tastes can be pleasantly titillated by it.
—No. Pero se le puede hacer graciosas cosquillas al gusto más snob.
‘Mum, don’t be snobbish — particularly now Connolly’s a Duke.
—Mamá, no seas snob…, especialmente ahora que Connolly es duque.
Perhaps he thought I acted too snobbish towards him?
Tal vez creyese que yo era demasiado snob ante él.
He thought she was impossibly snotty and snobbish and she thought he was impossibly rude and brutish.
El la encontraba snob y morbosa, y ella le consideraba como un bruto grosero.
“Don’t be snobbish,” Kimmund reproved her, looking at her grubby merchanter’s jumpsuit.
—No seas snob —la reprendió Kimmund mirando el traje de comerciante sucio de la piloto—.
Newton was pleasant, easy, a shade over-correct in his manner, but neither imposing nor snobbish.
Newton era un individuo afable, de modales algo rígidos, pero no resultaba imponente ni snob.
The snobbish Wildean analogy is clear in lines like, “The parasol is the umbrella’s daughter / And associates with a fan” (1747).
La analogía «snob» de Wilde resulta evidente en versos como «La sombrilla es hija del paraguas / Y tiene trato con el abanico» (1747).
"Isn't that just like them," Maggie said. The Barley twins had always acted so snobbish, preferring each other to anybody else.
—Muy propio de ellas —dijo Maggie. Las gemelas Barley siempre se habían comportado de una forma snob, prefiriéndose la una a la otra antes que a los demás.
The pilot was particularly illuminating: Alex puts on airs as he prepares to accompany a girl named Kimberly (haughty, snobbish, perfect) to a dance at a restricted club;
En un capítulo iluminador, Alex se prepara para acompañar a Kimberly (altiva, perfecta, snob) a un baile en un exclusivo club;
But at least they were not acting snobbish any more: they were talking down on his level now.
But at least they were not acting snob-bish any more: they were talking down on his level now.
- You mean snobbish? Yeah, no.
- ¿Quieres decir esnob?
You mustn't be snobbish.
No sea tan esnob.
- They're a bit snobbish.
- Son un poco esnob.
I haven't a snobbish bone.
- ¿Yo? Jamás he sido esnob.
Which... it sounds snobbish, I know.
Lo que... suena esnob, lo sé.
Why, Herman, what a snobbish thing to say.
Cómo puedes ser tan esnob.
- Well, that sounds rather snobbish.
- Vaya, eso suena muy esnob.
That's a snobbish idea.
Eso es muy esnob.
Mary, that sounds very snobbish.
- Mary, eso suena muy esnob.
Because she's a snobbish cow.
Porque es una esnob.
on my aunt Emerald, snobbish;
en mi tía Emerald, esnob;
Is it considered snobbish, do you think?
Creen que es esnob. ¿Tú que opinas?
Not in the least snobbish, only shy and lacking in self-confidence.
No es esnob en absoluto, pero sí tímida, insegura.
Such a misalliance! My snobbish heart wept blood.
¡Qué mésalliance! Mi humilde corazón esnob se desangraba.
I hate to sound snobbish, but the woman has no class.
No quiero parecer esnob, pero esa mujer no tiene clase.
Mom might be a snobbish breadhead but she’s no tightwad.
Puede que mamá no piense más que en el dinero y sea una esnob, pero agarrada no es.
Happily Charles got rid of him, for being too snobbish.
Afortunadamente Charles se libró de él, porque era demasiado esnob.
it was often expedient, narrow-minded, snobbish, exploitative, and abusive.
con frecuencia era conveniente, cerril, esnob, explotador y abusivo.
And let them take my sister-in-law, that snobbish Dame Petronilla, with them!
¡Y que se lleven también a mi cuñada, esa esnob de Petronilla!
"I know it seems so terribly snobbish and petty to you," Linda said.
—Ya sé que te parecerá muy esnob y mezquino —comentó Linda.
And as a matter of fact, I don't believe that Her Ladyship was acting for snobbish reasons.
De hecho, no creo que Su Señoría actuara por razones esnobistas.
prosperous or ruined, a snobbish society—he sneered—was an inevitable component of the human system.
próspera o arruinada, una sociedad esnobista, pensó sarcásticamente, era un componente inevitable del sistema humano.
He told his wife to tell a snobbish London neighbour ‘that Lord David Cecil and I are now on Christian name terms!
Le dijo a su esposa que le comentara a un vecino esnobista que tenían en Londres que «Lord David Cecil y yo estamos en buenos términos cristianos.
Instead of letting those few kids who were athletic, social, or intellectual bullies get me down, I used their snobbish actions to inspire me to do better.
En vez de dejar que esos chicos que eran fortachones atléticos, sociales o intelectuales me bajaran la moral usé sus acciones esnobistas para inspirarme a hacerlo mejor.
You're a stuck-up, snobbish, spoilt little brat!
Tu eres un engreído, sobrador pendejo mocoso!
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