Перевод для "snideness" на испанский
Примеры перевода
Channel your own frustrations into snide illusions.
Canalizar tus propias frustraciones en sarcásmos.
I've just about had it with your snide, unsubstantiated allegations.
Ya he tenido bastantes con tu sarcasmo, acusaciones sin fundamento.
Priya just made a snide comment about your acting career.
Priya acaba de hacer un sarcasmo acerca de tu carrera de actuación.
It's not snide gear either.
No es sarcasmo.
- Snide remarks, sarcastic jokes. Attacking me for my meanness. The philistine at No. 10.
- Con escarnios, sarcasmos, acusándome de tacaño, el filisteo del Numero 10.
If I were you, I'd keep your snide remarks to yourself.
Si yo fuera usted, me guardaría el sarcasmo.
What are you, snide?
¿Eso es un sarcasmo?
I cannot hide the snide inside.
No puedo ocultar el sarcasmo interior.
I have a short button with snide.
No sea sarcástica, Srita. Porter. El sarcasmo me prende.
Right now, you have no right to ask questions, and your snide -
No tienes derecho a preguntar. Y ese sarcasmo...
Saavedra asked snidely.
—preguntó Saavedra con sarcasmo.
“So?” Sergeov interrupted snidely.
—la interrumpió Sergeov, con sarcasmo—.
Her husband looked at her snidely.
Su marido la miró con sarcasmo.
Cedric’s voice was snide. “Right.
La voz de Cedric se impregnó de sarcasmo. —Ajá.
“They want us to be scared,” he said snidely.
—Quieren asustarnos —dijo con sarcasmo—.
Stewart’s tone was, as usual, bordering on snide.
El tono de Stewart estaba, como siempre, lleno de sarcasmo.
Truman said. But there was no snideness in his voice, no disgust.
—dijo Truman. Pero no había sarcasmo en su voz, ni asco.
‘And the giraffe?’ Osborne-Smith asked with a snide inflection.
—¿Y la jirafa? —preguntó Osborne-Smith con sarcasmo.
“Apparently not,” Syd said snidely, “since you got busted.”
—Al parecer no —dijo Syd con sarcasmo—, ya que te han descubierto.
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