Перевод для "slightly tilted" на испанский
Slightly tilted
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24. West of the Central Lowland are the Great Plains, likened to the flat top of a table which is slightly tilted upward to the west. They are stopped by the Rocky Mountains, the "backbone of the continent".
24. Al oeste de las tierras bajas centrales están las Grandes Llanuras, que se asemejan al tablero plano de una mesa, ligeramente inclinado hacia el oeste, y están limitadas por las Montañas Rocosas, "columna vertebral del continente".
38. West of the Central Lowland are the Great Plains, likened to the flat top of a table which is slightly tilted upward to the west. They are stopped by the Rocky Mountains, the "backbone of the continent".
38. Al oeste de las tierras bajas centrales están las Grandes Llanuras, que se asemejan al tablero plano de una mesa, ligeramente inclinado hacia el oeste, y están limitadas por las Montañas Rocosas, "columna vertebral del continente".
I'm sure that there are many people who enjoy the pillow under the neck thing, but he has to have his head slightly tilted.
Estoy segura de que a muchos le gustará eso de la almohada debajo del cuello, pero el necesita tener su cabeza ligeramente inclinada.
I did notice that your uterus was slightly tilted but that doesn't mean anything, that's just how you're built.
Noté que su útero estaba ligeramente inclinado pero eso no significa nada, eso es simplemente su constitución.
Head down, eyes looking up, hands in pockets, shoulders up, head slightly tilted, conveying shy vulnerability.
Cabeza baja, buscando con la mirada, manos en los bolsillos, hombros rectos, cabeza ligeramente inclinada, transmitiendo una tímida vulnerabilidad.
Bosch noticed it was still slightly tilted to the left.
Bosch se fijó en que todavía estaba ligeramente inclinada hacia la izquierda.
She held her little head slightly tilted to one side.
Tenía la cabecita ligeramente inclinada hacia un lado.
My head is slightly tilted, not quite resting upon her shoulder.
Tengo la cabeza ligeramente inclinada, sin apoyarla del todo en su hombro.
His head was slightly tilted as he considered her with an unfathomable expression.
Tenía la cabeza ligeramente inclinada y la observaba con una expresión indescifrable.
A great number of channels were weaving down a slightly tilted plain.
Gran número de canales desembocaban serpenteando sobre una planicie ligeramente inclinada.
I saw the strange green stamp, slightly tilted to the right;
Vi el extraño sello color verde, ligeramente inclinado hacia la derecha;
He sat slightly tilted forward, the table pressing into the firm curve of his stomach.
Estaba ligeramente inclinado hacia delante, la mesa presionaba la firme curva de su estómago.
It was a rectangle, a slightly tilted roof tenting in the middle, longways. As far as he could tell, it had no windows.
Era una construcción rectangular con un techo ligeramente inclinado en el centro, que parecía no tener ventanas.
“Good night.” He stood looking at her, his head slightly tilted, his face smiling, his hands in the pockets of his robe.
—Buenas noches. Él sonreía, contemplándola con la cabeza ligeramente inclinada y las manos en los bolsillos de la bata.
The rock itself had been flattened by wind and rain and erosion, so that it looked like an enormous, slightly tilted tabletop.
La roca misma había sido aplanada por el viento, la lluvia y la erosión, de modo que parecía una enorme mesa ligeramente inclinada.
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