Перевод для "self worth" на испанский
Примеры перевода
Is your self-worth so fragile?
¿Tan frágil es tu autoestima?
It'll inflate his sense of self-worth.”
Eso aumentaría enormemente su autoestima.
True belonging and self-worth are not goods;
La verdadera pertenencia y la autoestima no son mercancías;
Really improves one's sense of self-worth.
La verdad es que aumenta la sensación de autoestima.
But then she says, ‘You mistake your self-worth, Arkarian.
–Tu autoestima te confunde, Arkarian.
Your heart, your brains, your sense of self-worth.
El corazón, la mente, el sentido de la autoestima.
“You undermine her self-worth that way,” he said.
«Así destruyes su autoestima», dijo.
“Is it filling you with self-worth? With self-respect?” “Never!
—¿Te llena de autoestima? ¿De respeto por ti mismo? —¡Nunca!
It was obvious that Kelly's sense of self-worth had been badly damaged.
Era obvio que su autoestima había sido dañada profundamente.
She wasn’t discussing her self-worth issues with the enemy.
Georgie no pensaba discutir sus problemas de autoestima con el enemigo.
His supposed friends took his self-worth.
perdió también la autoestima.
I just realize that self-worth comes from within.
Simplemente comprendo que la autoestima proviene del interior.
In this school, much like your own, one boy is about to learn an important lesson about self-worth and esteem.
En esta escuela, similar a la de ustedes un chico está por aprender una lección importante sobre la autoestima.
So you could have some self-worth for once?
¿Para que levantes la autoestima?
I became part of that statistic, and there after cautiously side stepped the associated land mines... of depreciated dignity and self-worth.
Me convertí en parte de esa estadística, y allí después de mucha cautela escalonando las minas terrestres asociadas ... a la depreciada dignidad y la autoestima.
Self-worth comes from within, Dan.
La autoestima viene de dentro, Dan.
In the preface, she refers to the American housewife as, and I quote "A pathetic slamhound with no notion of self-worth whatsoever."
En el prefacio llama al ama de casa norteamericana, textualmente: "Un patético objeto sexual sin concepto de la autoestima".
Because self-worth comes from within, bitches.
Porque la autoestima viene desde dentro, perras.
Yeah, and using a steady flow of name-calling -to tear down their self-worth.
E insultarlos para destruirles la autoestima.
You know, it's laughable, your sense of your own self-worth.
Es irrisorio tu sentido de la autoestima.
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