Перевод для "self sufficient" на испанский
Примеры перевода
Was she self-sufficient as she had supposed?
¿Acaso ya no estaba tan segura de sí misma como siempre había pregonado?
Inge was cheerful and self-sufficient, almost defiant of the world about her.
Inge era animosa y segura de sí misma, casi una mujer desafiante frente a todo.
The voice was austere and self-sufficient, an academic voice, yet military; a voice which held much in reserve;
Había hablado con voz austera y seguro de sí mismo, una voz profesoral, pero, en cierto modo, castrense;
It was hard to believe that a woman so beautiful and resourceful and self-sufficient should have fallen in love with him at first sight;
Era difícil de creer que una mujer tan hermosa, con tantos recursos y tan segura de si misma, pudiera haberse enamorado de él a primera vista.
It had been so many years ago. Clem had been so much younger—tall and self-sufficient, with quick surgeon’s fingers and his eyes always tired-looking.
Habían transcurrido muchos años, y Clem era entonces mucho más joven, alto y seguro de sí mismo, con dedos rápidos de cirujano y una eterna expresión de fatiga en los ojos.
It seemed a very self-sufficient dog.
Parecía un perro muy independiente.
I’m fairly self-sufficient and so was she.
Soy bastante independiente, como ella.
She was tender and loving, and at the same time, independent and self-sufficient.
Era tierna y amorosa y, a la vez, independiente.
She was curiously self-sufficient and did not say very much.
Lydia era curiosamente independiente, y hablaba poco.
He had thought himself self-sufficient, and he had discovered that he was not.
Había creído que era independiente, y en estos momentos descubría que no lo era.
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