Перевод для "seems obvious" на испанский
Seems obvious
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It seems obvious that it should be the law of the location of the assignor that determines what system of priority is applicable in a Contracting State in conformity with article 1 (a), which governs the scope of the Convention's application.
Parece obvio que la ley del Estado en que está situado el cedente sea la que determine el régimen de prelación que es aplicable en un Estado Contratante de conformidad con el artículo 1 a), que rige el ámbito de aplicación de la Convención.
The figures supplied by the authorities did not include housing units on newly reclaimed agricultural land, but it seemed obvious that farmers who moved onto such land would build houses.
Las cifras proporcionadas por las autoridades no incluyen las viviendas en tierras agrícolas recientemente recuperadas, pero parece obvio que los agricultores que se trasladan a esas tierras construirán sus casas allí.
34. It seems obvious that in an international situation like the present one, the advances achieved with respect to both individual and collective rights are confronted by very serious visible dangers, as well as others of a kind impossible to predict.
34. Parece obvio que en una coyuntura internacional como la presente, los avances logrados respecto a los derechos individuales como a los colectivos, se enfrentan a muy serios peligros visibles, así como a otros de entidad imposible de predecir.
It seems obvious, therefore, that the large increase in the overall membership of the United Nations has to be reflected in the composition of the Security Council, taking into account the criterion of equitable geographical representation.
Por tanto, parece obvio que el gran aumento del número de Miembros de las Naciones Unidas tiene que reflejarse en la composición del Consejo de Seguridad, teniendo en cuenta el criterio de representación geográfica equitativa.
It seems obvious that the increase in overall membership of the Organization has to be reflected in the composition of the Security Council.
Parece obvio que el aumento del número de Miembros de la Organización tenga que reflejarse en la composición del Consejo de Seguridad.
It seems obvious that a positive political climate would encourage victims or insiders to testify.
Parece obvio que una atmósfera política positiva animaría a prestar testimonio a las víctimas o a quienes tienen acceso a datos confidenciales.
14. It seemed obvious that draft guideline 1.5.3 should apply to both kinds of interpretative declarations.
Parece obvio que el proyecto de directriz 1.5.3 ha de aplicarse a ambas clases de declaraciones interpretativas.
Hence, it seems obvious that terrorists can be effectively challenged only through a concerted, multilateral approach, respecting the ius gentium, and not through a policy of unilateralism.
Así pues, parece obvio que a los terroristas sólo se los puede enfrentar mediante un enfoque concertado y multilateral, que respete el ius gentium, y no mediante una política de unilateralismo.
It seems obvious (even without knowing the true intentions of the Eritrean authorities) that neither side wants further deterioration in their relations or an escalation in the mobilization of forces or hostile rhetoric.
Parece obvio (aun cuando se desconozcan las verdaderas intenciones de las autoridades eritreas) que ninguna de las partes quiere que se sigan deteriorando sus relaciones ni que se produzca una escalada en la movilización de fuerzas o en la retórica hostil.
86. It seemed obvious that, with regard to articles 11 to 14 of Part Two of the draft articles, the Drafting Committee - and possibly a majority of the Commission - were at odds with the Special Rapporteur on important points of substance.
86. Parece obvio que, en relación con los artículos 11 a 14 de la segunda parte del proyecto de artículos, existen profundas divergencias en cuanto al fondo entre el Comité de Redacción y probablemente la mayoría de los miembros de la CDI y el Relator Especial.
It seems obvious, doesn't it?
Parece obvio, ¿no?
Well, that much seems obvious.
Eso parece obvio.
- Yeah, it seems obvious.
Sí, parece obvio.
In hindsight it seems obvious.
En retrospectiva, parece obvio.
Uh, photographs, that seems obvious.
Las fotos-- eso parece obvio.
Esta idea parece obvia.
Seems obvious, you know?
Parece obvio, ¿sabes?
The equation seems obvious to me;
La ecuación me parece obvia;
I mean, it seems obvious to me. As obvious as .
O sea, a mí me parece obvio.
Cause of death seems obvious.
La causa de la muerte parece obvia.
"To me this seems obvious," Adam said.
—A mí me parece obvio —dijo Adam—.
'Seems obvious to me,“ the admiral said.
–A mí me parece obvio -contestó el almirante-.
One, a process of deterioration; that seems obvious.
Uno es un proceso de deterioro, eso parece obvio.
I’m not a robot specialist, but that seems obvious.
No soy especialista en robots, pero me parece obvio.
And the answer, which to me seems obvious, is negative.
Y la respuesta, que me parece obvia, es negativa.
It seems obvious that he did not intend to return.
Parece obvio que no tenía ninguna intención de regresar.
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