Перевод для "searching for them" на испанский
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There would be troops out searching for them.
Ya habría tropas buscándolos.
I couldn’t keep up searching for them.
No podía continuar buscándoles.
He’d be searching for them.” “I know he would, Betty.
Ha estado buscándolas. —Ya lo sé, Betty.
This they said without words, even as they continued to search for them.
Eso decían sin palabras, y continuaban buscándolas.
She looked from one side to the other, searching for them.
Movió la cabeza de un lado al otro, buscándolos.
They would be followed. Probably the guards were already searching for them.
Los seguirían. Seguramente, los guardias ya estuvieran buscándolos.
Bill Black stood in the center of the walk, obviously searching for them.
Bill Black estaba en medio del sendero, evidentemente, buscándolos.
Already she was searching for them, glancing around her and peering into the noisy hall.
Ya estaba buscándolos, recorriendo con los ojos el ruidoso salón.
She thinks we could do worse than to spend our lives searching for them.
Que no está mal que pasemos la vida buscándolos.
“I don’t think you need waste any time searching for them, Captain.
—No creo que tenga que perder el tiempo buscándolos, capitán.
(j) When, on 7 February 1996, the investigating authorities received reports from the Central Criminal Investigation Department and the Central Military District that efforts for the arrest of the wanted men had met with no success, they proceeded to take the legal step specified for such an eventuality, namely the dissemination of bulletins concerning those being sought asking that they should be turned over to the nearest police station within a specified period of time. The bulletins included what descriptions were available of the men and urged the general public to participate in the search for them and in their apprehension or to give information about them.
j) Después de que el 7 de febrero de 1996 los investigadores de la policía criminal y de la Región Militar Central informaran del fracaso de las actividades encaminadas a detener a los sospechosos, el Comité de investigación siguió los cauces legales establecidos para tal caso, a saber la difusión de avisos de búsqueda con la descripción de los sospechosos con la petición de que se les entregara, dentro de un plazo determinado, en el puesto de policía más próximo, para que toda la población pudiera participar en su búsqueda y detención o facilitar información sobre ellos.
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