Перевод для "scatterbrain" на испанский
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Most likely the scatterbrain wouldn't remember the lengthy digit.
Y era muy posible que aquella cabeza de chorlito no recordara todos los dígitos.
The plump blonde might also be a scatterbrain, but Ken had no delusions about Sweeting.
La rubia regordeta podía ser una cabeza de chorlito, pero Ken no se hacía ilusiones respecto de Sweeting.
Does the child know that - eh - eh - he is a scatterbrained thing - have you instructed him, you skinned candle?
¿Sabe eso el niño, eh, ese cabeza de chorlito? ¿Le has dado instrucciones, cirio pelado?
Her own mother, the most levelheaded Olympian, was reduced to a raving, vicious scatterbrain in a subway station.
Su propia madre, la diosa más sensata del Olimpo, había acabado convertida en una cabeza de chorlito cruel en una estación de metro.
He was called the Half-Hajj because he was so scatterbrained that he could never start one project without getting distracted in the middle by two or three others.
Le llamaban «Medio-Hajj» porque era tan cabeza de chorlito que no podía acabar un proyecto sin que, a medias de él, se distrajese con otros dos o tres.
So they let scatterbrained old women like Mother Jujy go around pretending to tell fortunes, cast spells, and brew love potions.
Por eso dejan circular a viejas con cabezas de chorlito como la Madre Jujy que pretende leer el porvenir, saber de encantamientos y cómo preparar pócimas de amor.
It does not say whether she was a masculine sort of lady with a moustache and gentlemen’s neckwear, or whether she was one of those scatterbrains from the film world who do archery because it is so cute.
No se dice si era el tipo de dama masculina con bigote y ropa de caballero, o si era una de esas cabezas de chorlito que practican tiro al arco porque está de moda.
That scatterbrain mustn't be in this dread battle, he thought ... and opened his empty pouch to thrust in the kitten ... and saw gleaming dully at its bottom the tin whistle ...
Pensó que aquella cabeza de chorlito no debía participar en el terrible combate. Abrió su bolsa vacía para meter en ella al animalillo y vio en su fondo el brillo apagado del silbato de hojalata.
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