Перевод для "resorted to" на испанский
Resorted to
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There is nothing to indicate that by doing so they had resorted or incited to violence.
Nada indica que en su actuación hubieran recurrido o incitado a la violencia.
Such measures have often been resorted to in other instances as well.
También se ha recurrido a estas medidas en otras oportunidades.
According to the source, these minors had not resorted or incited to violence.
Según la fuente, estos menores no habían recurrido ni incitado a la violencia.
This remedy is an effective one and has been resorted to on several occasions.
Este es un recurso efectivo al que se ha recurrido en varias ocasiones.
Coercion has never been resorted to.
Nunca se ha recurrido a la coacción.
Azerbaijan has never resorted to military aggression.
Azerbaiyán nunca ha recurrido a las agresiones militares.
In some cases NGOs resorted to positive action.
En algunos casos, las organizaciones no gubernamentales han recurrido a la acción.
68. Forced labour has also been resorted to in Kawhmu township.
En el municipio de Kawhmu también se ha recurrido al trabajo forzoso.
It was regrettable that they had resorted to a campaign of disinformation against his country.
Es lamentable que hayan recurrido a una campaña de desinformación contra Indonesia.
...yöu have resorted to violence too.
..usted también ha recurrido a la violencia.
Have I ever resorted to idiotic cracks with you?
¿Alguna vez he recurrido a chistes estúpidos contigo?
You've resorted to the coarse tools of the hunters.
Ha recurrido a las grandes herramientas de los cazadores.
I do not believe you would have resorted to such extremes.
Usted no hubiera recurrido a tales extremos.
You've never resorted to lies with me before.
Nunca habías recurrido a la mentira conmigo.
I shouldn't have resorted to violence.
No, Rallo. No debería haber recurrido a la violencia.
And now that you have resorted to such cheap methods...
Y ahora has recurrido a métodos tan baratos ...
I never resorted to my mother's methods.
Nunca he recurrido a los métodos de mi madre.
Our union has never resorted to such things.
Nuestro sindicato nunca ha recurrido a ese tipo de cosas.
Resorted to half the world.
He recurrido a medio mundo.
Have they resorted to cannibalism?
¿Han recurrido al canibalismo?
That is why I have resorted to… to you.
Por eso he recurrido a… a usted.
That was why they had resorted to sending out their huntsmen…
Esa era la razón por la que habían recurrido a enviar a sus cazadores…
Most people would have resorted to mudslinging.
La mayoría de la gente habría recurrido a las injurias.
“But for me, you’d have resorted to what? Percodan?” “Plus a martini.”
—Pero por mí, ¿a qué has recurrido? ¿Percodan? —Más un martini.
He wished that he had resorted to a different lie.
Deseó haber recurrido a otra mentira.
We wouldn’t have resorted to violence if he hadn’t disgraced us.”
No habríamos recurrido a la violencia si no nos hubiera deshonrado.
“Nice to see they haven’t resorted to heavy-handed tactics, then.”
—Me alegra saber que no han recurrido a tácticas de mano dura.
She resorted to that phrase to avert any serious dis­cussion;
Había recurrido a esa frase para eludir cualquier discusión seria;
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