Перевод для "remotely possible" на испанский
Remotely possible
Примеры перевода
That's not even remotely possible.
Eso es ni remotamente posible.
- Is that even remotely possible?
- ¿Es eso remotamente posible?
Does this sound even remotely possible?
¿Puede ser remotamente posible?
It's also remotely possible I have that reversed.
También es remotamente posible que podamos revertir esto.
Well, that doesn't seem remotely possible.
Bueno, eso no parece remotamente posible.
No, it's not even remotely possible.
No, no es ni remotamente posible.
It is remotely possible they hanged the right guy.
Es remotamente posible que hayan ahorcado al tipo correcto.
And I don't suppose it's remotely possible...
Y supongo que no es remotamente posible que...
After killing the man in the bathtub. Does that sound even remotely possible to you?
¿Te parece algo remotamente posible?
It was remotely possible that this was not his first killing.
Era remotamente posible que éste no fuese su primer asesinato.
And I think: Is it remotely possible for me to get her?
Y pienso: ¿Es remotamente posible que la consiga?
Even the remote possibility of such a thing filled him with hope.
Por más que eso no fuera ni remotamente posible, sintió renacer la esperanza.
Was it possible… remotely possible that the Jensens were not what they seemed?
¿Era posible… remotamente posible que los Jensen no fueran lo que parecían?
Do you think it is remotely possible that he will _ever_ reproduce?
—¿Crees que es remotamente posible que él se reproduzca alguna vez?
"D'you think I'd have walked in here if that were even remotely possible?
¿Crees que habría venido hasta aquí si eso fuera remotamente posible?
I wonder if it is remotely possible that Berger has talked to Anna, too.
Me pregunto si es remotamente posible que Berger haya hablado también con Anna.
“I don’t suppose it’s remotely possible that these soldiers might shoot us?”
—¿No supone que pueda ser remotamente posible que esos soldados nos disparen?
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