Перевод для "relieve him" на испанский
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They will hasten to relieve him of the guilt—and of his life, as he deserves.
Se apresurarán a aliviarle de su culpa, y de su vida también, que es lo que merece.
I conceived that it would relieve him.’ ‘Did it do so, sir?’
Supuse que podría aliviarle. —¿Y lo hizo, señor?
'Should you not relieve him of his burden?' said Stephen.
–¿No cree que debe aliviarle de esa carga? – preguntó Stephen-.
They could do nothing to relieve him, nor was Clayton over–anxious to attempt anything.
Nada podían hacer para aliviarle, ni tampoco Clayton tenía excesivos deseos de intentarlo.
The statement seemed to relieve him, as if by putting his decision into words he had made it final.
La declaración pareció aliviarle, como si el expresar su decisión con palabras la hubiese hecho definitiva.
The elevator man appeared to be at least as old as the elevator, and Martin Beck tried in vain to relieve him of the bag.
El ascensorista le pareció al menos tan viejo como el ascensor y Martin Beck trató en vano de aliviarle del peso de la maleta.
Crat was still blinking at strange, unexpected thoughts when rescuers arrived at last to relieve him of his burden and haul his exhausted carcass out of the blood-warm sea.
Crat estaba todavía sumido en extraños pensamientos cuando llegaron por fin para aliviarlo de su carga y sacar su exhausto cuerpo del mar tibio de sangre.
Up and up they went, and the way was so long and so steep that Maria felt as though they were climbing up to the man-in-the-moon himself, on an errand of mercy to relieve him of his burden.
El camino era tan largo y empinado que a María le pareció como si trataran de llegar en peregrinación hasta el hombre que habían visto en la luna, para aliviarle de su carga.
Imagine a man horribly afflicted with psoriasis, great itching scabs covering his entire body, who got it into his head that no one but a certain girl’s fingers could relieve him;
Imaginemos a un hombre aquejado de una terrible psoriasis, con grandes picores repartidos por todo el cuerpo, al que se le metiera en la cabeza que únicamente los dedos de una muchacha determinada podían aliviarle;
When he returns to his ship we will be right there to give him a right royal welcome, relieve him of his treasure and follow that up immediately afterwards with an equally royal funeral.
Cuando regrese a su barco, nosotros estaremos allí para darle una perfecta bienvenida digna de un rey, para aliviarle la carga de su tesoro y luego prepararle un funeral igualmente digno de reyes.
She was surprised, since there could be no question of her relieving him, but she obeyed.
Está muy sorprendida porque no es asunto de ella el relevarlo.
Highness, have you come to relieve him from his duty?
Alteza, ¿has venido a relevarlo de sus deberes?
Manley is racing, and Bennett is waiting in the pit to relieve him.
Manley está corriendo y Bennett espera en los boxes para relevarle.
when it was, the alpha Euclid planner was scheduled to arrive and relieve him.
Y cuando acabara, estaba previsto que llegase Euclides Proyectista para relevarle.
Webworm yawned. Gnat would be coming to relieve him soon.
Oruga bostezó. Mosquito llegaría pronto para relevarlo.
Instead of relieving him, I've appointed him to command Grayson's fixed orbital defenses.
En lugar de relevarlo, lo he destinado a la comandancia de las defensas orbitales fijas de Grayson.
A man was crossing the bridge, and Maloin knew it was his colleague coming to relieve him.
Un hombre cruzaba el puente y Maloin sabía que se trataba de su compañero, que venía a relevarle.
Phaedrus was going to relieve him after he had finished, then Nicostratus would come across for his bowl.
Fedro iba a relevarlo cuando hubiera terminado, y luego Nicostrato vendría a por su cuenco.
The following morning you go to relieve him: no Marvin. You raise the alarm: no Gina.
A la mañana siguiente vas a relevarlo: Marvin no está. Haces sonar la alarma. Gina tampoco está.
He’s been ferrying people back and forth for years and years, and no one will relieve him.’
Lleva toda la vida transbordando a la gente de una orilla a otra, y no llega nunca nadie a relevarle.
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