Перевод для "receives it" на испанский
Receives it
Фразы в похожем контексте
Примеры перевода
Not received since 1990
No se recibe desde 1990
Not received since 1992
No se recibe desde 1992
Not received since 1993
No se recibe desde 1993
Why don't you just receive it
¿Por qué no solo lo recibes
If she doesn't receive it...
Si no lo recibe...
Leopold Mozart received it gratefully.
Leopold Mozart lo recibe agradecido.
He sent word. Did you not receive it?
Envió palabra. ¿Sabía usted lo recibe?
Especially if he's the one receiving it.
Especialmente si él es el que lo recibe.
But my heart no longer receives it.
Pero mi corazón ya no lo recibe.
I make sure you receive it promptly.
Me aseguraré de que lo reciba pronto.
Sign for receiving it.
Firme como que lo recibe.
I have not yet received it.
Aún no lo recibo.
The court will receive it.
El tribunal lo recibe.
Don’t anticipate the ball, receive the ball.” “Receive the ball,” Freya teases.
No te anticipes, recibe la bola. —Recibe la bola —bromea Freya—.
He receives invitations.
Recibe invitaciones.
La Desdichada is receiving.
La Desdichada recibe.
‘Are you receiving me?’
—Atención, ¿me recibe?
You see it as received.
—Los verás cuando los recibas.
He received no answer.
No recibe respuesta.
I receive no answer.
No recibo respuesta.
‘But doesn’t receive visitors.
—Pero no recibe visitas.
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