Перевод для "pocket knife" на испанский
Pocket knife
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There was a pocket-knife there.
En él guardaba una navaja de bolsillo.
In her hand was a pocket knife.
Tenía una navaja en la mano.
“You have a pocket knife?” she asked.
—¿Tienes una navaja? —preguntó ella.
Littlemore opened his pocket knife.
Littlemore abrió su navaja.
She pried it open with a pocket-knife.
Ella lo desmontó haciendo palanca con una navaja.
A stiletto in his boot, or a pocket knife.
Un estilete en la bota, o una navaja de bolsillo.
Sharpe gave him his pocket knife.
Sharpe le dio su navaja.
Did I grab for my pocket knife?
¿Eché mano a mi navaja?
And it folded into a casing, like a giant pocket knife.
Y estaba guardada en una funda, como una navaja gigante.
He opened the big blade of his pocket-knife.
Abrió la hoja grande de su cortaplumas.
What made him think suddenly of his first pocket knife?
¿Por qué se acordó de su primer cortaplumas?
And he actually pared his nails with his pocket-knife.
Y se puso a recortarse las uñas con el cortaplumas.
Neither he nor Ding had so much as a folding pocket knife.
Ni él ni Chávez llevaban siquiera un cortaplumas.
Then I went to work with the blade of the pocket knife in a different way.
Luego opté por trabajar de otra manera con la hoja del cortaplumas.
But women, he thought, shutting his pocket- knife, don't know what passion is.
Pero las mujeres, pensó Peter cerrando su cortaplumas, no saben qué es la pasión.
With his pocket-knife he cut the thread, and kept the carcass to take to the kitchens.
Cortó el hilo con su cortaplumas, y se guardó el ave para enviarla después a las cocinas.
I imagined them cutting through the wrapping with a pocket knife to check the quality of the drugs.
Me dije que probablemente cortarían el envoltorio con un cortaplumas para probar la calidad de la mercancía.
I took a pocket knife, spit on a stone, sharpened it, and cut the throats of the three ducks.
cogí un cortaplumas, escupí en una piedra, lo afilé, y corté el cuello a los tres patos.
Sheldon was now showing Osiecki a murderous-looking pocket knife which he also carried with him.
Ahora Sheldon estaba enseñando a Osiecki un cortaplumas espantoso que también llevaba consigo.
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