Перевод для "pleases them" на испанский
Pleases them
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It pleases them, I think. It must 'cause they're buying it.
Les agrada, creo, o no la comprarían.
This pleased them, but it didn’t change their minds.
Aquello les agradó, pero no les hizo cambiar de parecer.
The Sugdens enjoyed the Queen’s Speech but nothing else seemed to please them.
Los Sudgen quedaron encantados con el discurso de la reina, pero parece que no les agradó ninguna otra cosa.
Those who have no lover, but are merely looking at random for someone who pleases them, wear black masks.
Los que no tienen amante y buscan al azar alguien que les agrade, usan antifaces negros.
Therefore, I appeared to the wives of Pandara, the innocent treasures!—and informed them that they were with child, which pleased them mightily.
Por lo tanto, me presenté ante las esposas de Pandara ¡los tesoros inocentes! y les informé que esperaban un hijo, lo que les agradó grandemente.
Gorean women, whether slave or free, know that their simple presence brings joy to men, and I cannot but think that this pleases them.
Las mujeres goreanas, ya sean esclavas o mujeres libres, saben que su mera presencia regocija a los hombres, y no puedo creer que esta circunstancia no les agrade.
It pleases them to see him wag his tail when they come into a room, especially if they are alone—when there are more than one of them together they tend to ignore him. He does not mind.
Les agrada ver cómo menea el rabo cuando entran en una habitación, sobre todo si están solos: cuando hay más de uno tienden a no hacerle caso.
      "The fable of Iahveh and his son pleased them, and they believed it all the more easily in that it was taught them by the Romans whom they knew to be wiser than themselves, and to whose arts and mode of life they yielded secret admiration. Alas!
La fábula de Jehová y de su Hijo les agradó, y la creyeron fácilmente, porque se la explicaban aquellos romanos cuya sabiduría no dudaron, después de admirar sus artes y sus costumbres.
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