Перевод для "pass water" на испанский
Pass water
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I always have to rise in the night to pass water.
siempre tengo que levantarme para orinar.
Already I had had to pass water as I sat;
Para entonces, ya había tenido que orinar sentado.
And more recently the headaches, nausea, difficulty in passing water, pain in the lower back.
Y últimamente las jaquecas, las náuseas, la dificultad para orinar, los dolores de espalda.
I got off my bike because I needed to pass water, I put the bike down on the ground.
Bajé de la bicicleta porque tenía que orinar, dejé la bicicleta en el suelo.
he knew his father would have to rise in the night and pass water and might trip or bump his knee.
Sabía que su padre se levantaría durante la noche a orinar y que podía tropezar o golpearse la rodilla.
An old complaint, dysuria, had recurred, which made it painful for him to pass water, and he had caught a bad feverish chill.
Una vieja dolencia, la disuria, había reaparecido, de modo que soportaba dolores al orinar, y además padecía escalofríos febriles.
She changed the dressing on his wound, then withdrew to the other side of the room while the attendants helped him pass water into a beaker for her.
Le cambió el vendaje y luego se retiró al otro lado de la sala mientras los ayudantes le ayudaban a orinar en un recipiente para que ella lo analizara.
The testimony of an old, senile farm slave who thinks he might have heard a splash and might have glimpsed a shadow one night when he got up to pass water?
¿El testimonio de un viejo esclavo rural que cree que oyó un chapoteo y vio una sombra cuando se levantó a orinar cierta noche?
Its gates were guarded by black eunuchs who had been castrated so badly that they could pass water only with the help of a tube they carried in their sashes.
Custodiaban sus puertas unos eunucos negros a quienes habían castrado con tan poca pericia que solo podían orinar con ayuda de un tubo que llevaban en el interior del fajín.
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