Перевод для "own it" на испанский
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The employer owns the employee, who is his property and belongs to him.
El empleador se aferra al empleado, es algo suyo, que le pertenece.
It does not belong to the world we call our own.
No pertenece al mundo que llamamos el nuestro.
Most land, however, was State-owned.
No obstante, la mayor parte de la tierra pertenece al Estado.
Hali land is public land and is owned by the State.
Hali es terreno público y pertenece al Estado.
KDC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of KPC.
La KDC es una filial que pertenece por entero a la KPC.
KOC is also a wholly-owned subsidiary of KPC.
La KOC es también una filial que pertenece por entero a la KPC.
The latter company is owned by a consortium of European credit insurers.
Esta última empresa pertenece a un consorcio de aseguradores de crédito europeos.
56. The process is Nepali-owned.
El proceso pertenece a los nepaleses.
Uh no, Phil, you won't because it's my thing. I own it.
Uh no, Phil, no lo harás porque esto es mio, me pertenece.
You may have gotten here first, but I own it.
Puede que usted haya llegado primero, pero me pertenece a mí.
Own it like a boss.
Soy el jefe, me pertenece.
I don't own it, and neither does anyone here.
No me pertenece... y tampoco a nadie de esta sala.
If I don't own it, I'm at least a major stockholder.
Si no me pertenece, soy por lo menos un accionista mayoritario.
If I own it, I don't want you doing it on it.
si me pertenece, no quiero que te lo montes sobre ello.
I owns it all!
¡Me pertenece todo!
I still own it.
Todavía me pertenece.
It is your soul's purpose, because I own it.
Es el propósito de tu alma, porque me pertenece.
I finally feel like I own it, like it's mine.
Al fin siento que me pertenece. Que es mío.
It is the king’s own!”
¡Pero le pertenece al rey!
Their will is no longer their own.
–Su voluntad ya no les pertenece.
He belongs to his own, not to thee.” “No.
Les pertenece a ellos, no a ti. —No.
I don't own this any more.
Esto ya no me pertenece.
And a hardihood not his own.
y una robustez que no le pertenece a él.
Don't they own the island?”
¿No les pertenece la isla?
Our property is our own.
Nuestra propiedad nos pertenece.
Her life is her own.
Su vida le pertenece.
My time is not my own;
Mi tiempo no me pertenece;
“But who owns it?” demanded Snubby.
—¿Pero a quién pertenece?
No one may own or bear arms without permission from the competent authority.
Nadie podrá poseerlos ni portarlos sin permiso de la autoridad competente".
The nuclear-weapon States insisted that their weapons provided security benefits but reserved to themselves alone the right to own them, a position that was discriminatory and unsustainable.
Los Estados poseedores de armas nucleares insisten en que sus armas les brindan seguridad pero se reservan el derecho exclusivo de poseerlas, posición que es discriminatoria e insostenible.
They could never own him;
Jamás podrían poseerle.
I want to own her, sometimes.
A veces, quiero poseerla.
“Never yours to own, only yours to serve.”
No para poseerla, sólo para servirla.
The woman who doesn't want to own everything.
La mujer que no quiere poseerlo todo.
ultimately own… by possession.
en última instancia ser su dueño… poseerla.
And she had no idea why. To own them? To sell them? To possess them?
Y no tenía ni idea de por qué. ¿Para poseerlos? ¿Para venderlos?
How dearly he would love to own her.
Cuánto debía querer poseerla.
I would have given everything I owned for her.
Habría dado cualquier cosa por poseerla.
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