Перевод для "own and" на испанский
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They have their own country, their own institutions and their own Constitution and they are capable of doing that by themselves.
Ellos tienen su propio país, sus propias instituciones y su propia Constitución, y son capaces de hacerlo por sí mismos.
They also have their own dignity, their own identity and their own individuality that they want to develop.
Tienen su propia dignidad, su propia identidad y su propia individualidad, que quieren desarrollar.
one's own, and to return to one's own
incluso del propio, y a regresar al propio
They owned their own territories, had the right to development, held their own values and ideologies and maintained their own systems of law, governance and social order.
Son dueños de sus propios territorios, tienen derecho al desarrollo, tienen sus propios valores e ideologías y conservan sus propios sistemas jurídicos y de gobierno y su propio orden social.
Each will have its own flag, its own national anthem, and its own government.
Cada uno tendrá su propia bandera, su propio himno nacional y su propio gobierno.
Affirms the right of persons to remain in their own homes, on their own lands and in their own countries,
Afirma el derecho de las personas a permanecer en paz en su propio hogar, en su propia tierra y en su propio país;
They will continue their own dialogue at their own pace.
Continuarán su propio diálogo a su propio ritmo.
for their own protection and on their own territory
su propia protección y en territorio propio
I really wanted a place of my own and a child.
De verdad quería un lugar propio y un hijo.
It's own. And that of other nations.
La población propia y la de otras naciones.
They want a room of their own and I don't have one.
Quieren una habitación propia y no tengo una.
"Whom do I call my own and who is a stranger"
"Quién yo llamo mio propio y quiénes son extraños"
♪ A life of my own and grandmother-free ♪
*Una vida propia y sin abuela*
I went off on my own and my wandering brought me here.
Me fui por cuenta propia y llegué aquí.
Yep, a boy and girl of my own and three stepdaughters.
un chico y una chica propios y tres hijastras.
No, thanks, I got my own, and he's damn good.
No, gracias, tengo mi propio y él es muy bueno.
A place to call your own and all that jazz?
¿Un lugar que puedas llamar propio y todo eso?
We planned on having children of our own, and you...
Planeamos tener hijos propios y tú...
He was his own teacher, his own mentor, his own critic, his own taskmaster.
Fue su propio maestro, su propio mentor, su propio crítico, su propio supervisor.
They have their own talk, their own jokes, their own manners.
Tienen su propia manera de hablar, sus chistes propios, sus modales propios.
“Your own galaxy, your own solar system, your own planet. Your own Where.”
En tu propia galaxia, en tu propio sistema solar, en tu propio planeta. En tu propio Dónde.
They had their own bodies, their own friends, they had lives of their own.
Poseían su propio cuerpo, sus propios amigos; tenían su propia vida.
They have their own culture, their own traditions, their own type of magic …
Tienen su propia cultura, sus propias tradiciones, su propio tipo de magia…
We've our own schools now, our own books, our own Bible, our own Church.
Ahora tenemos nuestras propias escuelas, nuestros propios libros, nuestra propia Biblia, nuestra propia Iglesia.
They've got their own political party, they've got their own slang, their own little emotions—and their own religion too.
Tienen su propio partido político, su propia jerga, sus propios trajecitos... y su propia religión.
His own piece of land, his own dream, his own woman, his own way of life.
Su propio pedazo de tierra, su propio sueño, su propia mujer, su propia forma de vida.
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