Перевод для "outer robe" на испанский
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Her outer robe was of orange silk with dazzling gold embroidery.
Su bata exterior era de seda anaranjada con deslumbrantes bordados de oro.
She had one of the maids tuck a cloth into her neckline to protect her outer robe.
Pidió a una de las sirvientas que metiera una tela en su escote para proteger su bata exterior.
To deal with the sweltering weather, Luan Zya turned his thick outer robe into a blanket to sleep on.
Para combatir el calor sofocante, Luan transformó su gruesa túnica en una manta sobre la que dormir.
Constantius had removed his diadem and outer robes, and he looked almost human, quite unlike the statue he had appeared earlier.
Constancio se había quitado su diadema y sus mantos exteriores; parecía casi humano, muy distinto de la estatua que había visto antes.
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