Перевод для "offering them" на испанский
Offering them
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Offering them relief from the heat.
Ofreciéndoles alivio contra el calor.
I was making it easier for them by offering them ready-made disguises.
Y yo les facilitaba la labor, ofreciéndoles disfraces ya confeccionados.
warrior king, I will bring to thee, offering them in all good
Éstos, oh rey guerrero, te los traeré a ti, ofreciéndolos
Yet here was their general, praising their bravery and offering them life.
Sin embargo, estaba allí su general, agasajando su bravura y ofreciéndoles vivir.
no, I delighted in offering them sustenance, and in clearing them wider space for action.
No, me deleitaba ofreciéndoles sustento y despejándoles el camino para la acción.
He might’ve done better if he’d offered them trained whales.
Tal vez le hubiera ido mejor ofreciéndoles ballenas amaestradas.
People out of habit continued to offer them, but they were invariably refused.
La gente, acostumbrada a ello, seguía ofreciéndola, pero ellos invariablemente la rehusaban.
They frightened them by shooting into the air, and Valmorain calmed them by offering them taffia.
Los asustaron disparando al aire y Valmorain los calmó ofreciéndoles tafia.
They ignored his attempts to lure them by imitating their calls and offering them food.
Ignoraban su tentativa de atraerles imitando sus cantos y ofreciéndoles comida.
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