Перевод для "of judged" на испанский
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Judged to be legal and/or not abusive
Juzgada legítima y/o no abusiva
But this Council will not be judged on its structure; it will be judged by its results in promoting and protecting human rights.
Sin embargo, este Consejo no será juzgado por su estructura; será juzgado por sus resultados en materia de promoción y protección los derechos humanos.
Judged illegal and/or abusive
Juzgada ilegítima y/o abusiva
I will be judged for this .
Seré juzgado por esto...
All will be judged.
Todos serán juzgados.
He was being judged.
Estaba siendo juzgado.
They have judged you.
Ellos te han juzgado.
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