Перевод для "noticed that they were" на испанский
Примеры перевода
The companions didn’t even notice that they were all moving closer together, back-to-back.
Los compañeros ni se dieron cuenta de que se acercaban, espalda contra espalda.
Still drifting along and talking, they scarcely noticed that they were now in a part of the cave whose walls were not frescoed.
Siguieron adelante, charlando, y apenas se dieron cuenta de que estaban ya en una parte de la cueva cuyos muros permanecían inmaculados.
The neighbors began to notice that locals were disappearing, and Dr. Knox's students began to recognize faces on their tables.
Los vecinos se dieron cuenta de que desaparecían personas del barrio, y los estudiantes del doctor Knox comenzaron a reconocer los rostros en las mesas.
Hours and hours seemed to go by in this dead calm, and they hardly noticed that they were getting colder and colder.
Parecieron transcurrir horas y horas en medio de aquella calma absoluta, y apenas se dieron cuenta de que cada vez sentían más frío.
The Curlew began to list, but Mike and his crew didn’t notice as they were standing with their backs to the boat, talking and laughing about something that had happened days ago.
Poco a poco el Curlew fue escorando, pero Mike y su tripulación no se dieron cuenta porque estaban de espaldas al barco, riéndose de un incidente que habían tenido unos días antes.
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