Перевод для "must is" на испанский
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Moreover, in relation to the second issue, the Court considered that replacement purchases as provided for in article 75 of CISG could not be regarded as equivalent to lost profit, as had been clearly highlighted in the judgement of 14 May 2003, which, with reference to the purchase of a number of batches of must, stated that "[...] there is a clear confusion, in the judgement under appeal, between replacement purchases and lost profit", because "if the buyer, in order to avoid the consequences of breach of contract, acquires batches of must for a higher price than the contract price, the cost of those batches will constitute damnum emergens ("arising damage", or actual loss) paid out of the buyer's assets; this bears no relation to lost profit, which relates to the amount expected to be made upon resale of what was acquired."
Además, considera en relación con la segunda cuestión, que el artículo 75 CIM (compraventa de reemplazo) no puede equipararse con el lucro cesante, como claramente pone de relieve la sentencia citada como infringida, de 14 de mayo de 2003, en la que en relación a la compra de unas partidas de mosto, se afirma que "[...] es patente la confusión en que incurre la sentencia recurrida entre las compraventas de reemplazo y el lucro cesante", porque "efectivamente, si la compradora adquiere partidas de mosto para precaverse de las consecuencias del incumplimiento a un precio superior al contratado, serán un daño emergente que se le origina en su patrimonio, nada tiene que ver con el lucro cesante, que son expectativas fundadas de ganancia con la reventa de lo adquirido".
In the case in question, in which there was an ex factory clause, it held that the buyer had not acted with due diligence, since it had not examined the goods -- it only collected part of the total agreed quantity -- until their arrival at their destination in the United States of America, which was particularly important in the case in question since grape must loses intensity of colour over time; also, the transportation had been inadequate.
En el caso en cuestión, donde existía una cláusula EX FACTORY, entiende que el comprador no actuó con la debida diligencia, puesto que no examinó las mercancías - sólo recogió una parte del total de la cantidad pactada- hasta su llegada a destino en los Estados Unidos, lo que era particularmente importante en el caso en cuestión puesto que el mosto pierde intensidad de color por el transcurso del tiempo, y además el transporte resultó ser inadecuado.
The parties were in dispute over whether there had been a contractual breach in regard to a contract for the international sale of 1,500 tons of concentrated grape must and also over the sum payable as damages.
Las partes discuten si en un contrato de compraventa internacional de 1500 toneladas de mosto de uva concentrado hubo incumplimiento contractual y la cuantía de la indemnización de daños y perjuicios.
The Court rejected that claim also, on the grounds that it was not relevant to the proceedings as the burden of proof that the colour of the goods was defective at their point of origin was on the buyer, which could (and ought to) have checked the goods on collection rather than at their destination, given that the buyer was perfectly aware of, or at least could not be unaware of, the effect of time and transportation on the colour of the must.
El tribunal rechaza también esta alegación al considerar que la reclamación resulta indiferente a los efectos del proceso, porque la carga de la prueba de que la mercancía padecía de defecto de color en su origen incumbía a la compradora que pudo (y debió) haber hecho entonces la comprobación, y no en destino, pues conocía perfectamente, o al menos no podía ignorar, la incidencia del tiempo y el transporte en la coloración del mosto.
Candace was there ready to pump the must into the waiting barrels.
La mancha estaba preparada para lanzar el mosto en los barriles.
The air smelled of must, mothballs, and peppermint.
La atmósfera olía a mosto, bolas de alcanfor y menta.
They must be worth the most fabulous sum!
They must be worth the most fabulous sums!
Her nose was filled with the sour smell of must and damp wood.
Un olor acre a mosto y madera húmeda le inundó la nariz.
and a clay pan of pork stewed with grape must, onions, turnips, and carrots.
y un puchero de cerdo estofado en mosto con cebollas, nabos y zanahorias.
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