Перевод для "much more than" на испанский
Примеры перевода
- You're much more than that.
- No, tu eres mucho mas que eso.
So much more than a boy.
Mucho mas que un muchacho.
It's so much more than that.
Es mucho mas que eso.
Oh, yes, much more than I am.
Si, mucho mas que yo.
You're worth much more than that.
Tu vales mucho mas que eso.
- Much more than just anything.
- Mucho mas que algo.
You wanted much more than that.
Querías mucho mas que eso.
It's much more than that now.
Ahora es mucho mas que eso.
You're so much more than that.
No. Eres mucho mas que eso.
From sheer vexation and boredom Arsinoe seemed to have aged much more than had tenacious Tertius.
A causa del tedio que experimentaba y los vejámenes que sufría, Arsinoe parecía haber envejecido mucho mas que su anciano pero resistente esposo.
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