Перевод для "mother loved" на испанский
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There was her name, Devoted Mother, Loving and Beloved Wife.
Allí estaba su nombre: «Abnegada madre, amada y amante esposa».
Your mother loved Julian.
Tu madre amaba a Julian.
Your mother loved that farm.
Tu madre amaba esa granja.
Your mother loved it too.
Su madre amaba demasiado agradable.
My... my mother loved Bach.
Mi... mi madre amaba a Bach.
- Mother loved Gombrowicz.
- Mi madre amaba a Gombrowicz.
Your mother loved this view.
Tu madre amaba esta vista.
My mother loved my father.
Mi madre amaba a mi padre.
Your mother loved animals.
Tu madre amaba los animales.
Your mother loved that dress.
Tu madre amaba ese vestido.
This mother loved her son.
Esta madre amaba a su hijo.
“But my mother loved my father!”
—¡Pero mi madre amaba a mi padre!
His mother loved him absolutely.
Era a él a quien su madre amaba por encima de todas las cosas.
The young mother loved her firstborn son deeply, Kunti said, but she was unmarried and couldn’t keep him.
La joven madre amaba muchísimo a su primogénito, dijo Kunti, pero no estaba casada y no podía quedárselo.
His mother’s love for Martin was so jealous, so violent, and so intense that it seemed to make the heart hoarse.
La madre amaba a Martin con tanto celo, con tanta violencia y tanta intensidad que su corazón parecía quedar ronco.
The little girl thought that jealousy was not solely a bad thing: without jealousy, how would she have known that her mother loved her father?
La niña pensaba que los celos no eran únicamente algo malo: sin ellos, ¿cómo habría sabido que su madre amaba a su padre?
My mother loved God, she said that God and the Virgin were all she needed though she was thankful for her family.
Mi madre amaba a Dios, decía que lo único que ella necesitaba era a Dios y la Virgen, aunque daba gracias al cielo por su familia.
She was reminded of a friend who had a child with Down Syndrome—a gentle, sunny, smiling child, whom the mother loved and felt pride in and, on some dark unacknowledged plane, some tincture of shame about, too…a shame that itself inspired shame. “Brandon, was it?” “Brandon, yes.
Se acordó de una amiga que tenía un hijo con síndrome de Down, un niño amable, alegre y sonriente, al que su madre amaba y del que se enorgullecía y por el que, al mismo tiempo, en un plano oscuro e irreconocible, sentía un asomo de vergüenza. Una vergüenza que en sí misma inspiraba vergüenza. —Brandon, ¿no? —Sí, Brandon.
Her mother loved music and often played at their special parties, but the best times were when she would withdraw to the conservatory alone, playing classical pieces or evocative, intricate melodies that might have been her own compositions, and Antonia sat in the hall, just listening.
Su madre amaba la música, y en ocasiones especiales solía tocar, si bien encontraba sus momentos de mayor gozo al piano cuando se sentaba sola e interpretaba piezas clásicas o intrincadas melodías que perfectamente podría haber compuesto ella. Entonces Antonia se sentaba en el salón para escucharla.
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