Перевод для "legs stretched" на испанский
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- Ooh! - Keep that leg stretched.
Mantengan la pierna estirada.
So she sat facing me, one leg stretched out, the other bent. Her knee was sharp, narrow, smooth, delicate, within reach. Within reach of my hand.
Bueno, se sentó frente a mí, con una pierna estirada, otra encogida, con la rodilla puntiaguda, estrecha, lisa, frágil a mi alcance, al alcance de mi mano.
My gun got so hot, I had to sit with my legs stretched out holding the muzzle of my gun between my feet to keep it from curling up.
Mi revólver se calentó tanto,que tuve que sentarme con las piernas estiradas sosteniendo la punta del caño entre los pies para que no se doble.
In the chief's seat, with her legs stretched out.
En la silla del jefe, con las piernas estiradas.
Vick sat with her leg stretched out.
Vick tenía la pierna estirada.
The man sat with his leg stretched out.
El hombre estaba sentado con la pierna estirada.
One leg stretched out, the other bent—right.
Una pierna estirada, la otra doblada — en efecto.
Cash is sitting with his legs stretched out on the stairs.
Cash está sentado con las piernas estiradas en las escaleras.
They were seated in front of the fire, their legs stretched in front of them.
Estaban sentados junto al fuego, con las piernas estiradas.
She sat with her legs stretched out in front of her.
Se quedó sentada con las piernas estiradas hacia delante.
The right knee was pulled back, the leg stretched out.
La rodilla derecha se encontraba hacia atrás y la pierna estirada.
He sat with his legs stretched out, almost to the bed where I was sitting.
Tenía las piernas estiradas, casi hasta la cama donde yo me había sentado.
She looked down at her high heels, her legs stretched out before her.
Ella se miró los zapatos de tacón; tenía las piernas estiradas.
He was sprawled out on a bench in the gardens, his legs stretched out before him.
Se había sentado despatarrado en una de las bancas de los jardines, con las piernas estiradas.
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