Перевод для "killing themselves" на испанский
Killing themselves
Примеры перевода
_Them _I could see killing themselves.
A esos me los imagino suicidándose.
Many had eluded their would-be ravishers by killing themselves.
Muchas habían evitado a sus futuros violadores suicidándose.
"These Russian monks kept killing themselves until 1897," he says.
—Los monjes rusos siguieron suicidándose hasta 1897 —me dice—.
go on killing themselves as before, and bit by bit the staunch Dr. Noyes is coming undone.
seguían suicidándose como antes, y poco a poco el sólido doctor Noyes empezaba a desquiciarse.
Don’t something like half the people who win the lottery end up killing themselves?
¿No acaba suicidándose más o menos la mitad de la gente a quien le toca la lotería?
With the Solar Temple, little groups of French and Canadian followers kept killing themselves and killing each other for years after the original disaster.
Con lo del Templo Solar hubo pequeños grupos de franceses y canadienses suicidándose y matándose mutuamente años después del desastre original.
But I know these Keltoi and my people don’t chisel all of those statues of them killing themselves because they’re a gentle and malleable sort of people, especially not the noble and priestly classes.
Pero conozco a esos keltoi, y mi pueblo no hizo todas esas estatuas de ellos suicidándose porque fuesen una gente amable y manejable, especialmente los nobles y los sacerdotes.
It was as if they were killing themselves.
Como si estuviesen a punto de suicidarse.
They wanted to kill themselves, the idiots.
Querían suicidarse, los brutos.
And then they were supposed to kill themselves.
Luego tenían órdenes de suicidarse.
These people are going to kill themselves.
Estas personas van a suicidarse.
You know what they do when they’re ready to kill themselves?’
¿Sabes lo que hacen cuando están listos para suicidarse?
“They shuddered at your presence, and tried to kill themselves to be rid of you.”
—Se resisten a tu poder e intentan suicidarse para librarse de ti.
Although women like that usually use Veronal to kill themselves.
Aunque las mujeres de este tipo suelen suicidarse con veronal.
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