Перевод для "it disgusts" на испанский
It disgusts
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Примеры перевода
Does it disgusts you?
¿Te da asco?
The sight of it disgusts me.
Solo verlo me da asco.
It disgusts you, doesn't?
Que asco, ¿no?
Disgusting, disgusting. Lying, sycophantic, stupid.
Qué asco, qué asco. Mentiroso, servil, estúpido.
In the end all I felt for him was disgust, pity and disgust.
Llegué a tenerle asco, lástima y asco.
It had been disgusting.
Había sido un asco.
       "Disgust of praise.
—El asco del elogio.
There is no disgust in China.
En China no hay asco.
No, not distaste, disgust.
No, no aversión, asco.
Not disgust, please.
—No, asco no, por favor.
Poverty is disgusting.
La pobreza es un asco.
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