Перевод для "is pressure be" на испанский
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- Exerting pressure for the family allowances of civil servants to be increased;
Presionar para que se aumente el monto de las prestaciones familiares de los funcionarios;
It has been said that there is a desire to pressure Iran into a dialogue.
Se ha dicho que existe el deseo de presionar al Irán para que dialogue.
The issue of the rule of law should not be used as a tool for putting pressure on States.
La cuestión del estado de derecho no debe utilizarse como instrumento para presionar a los Estados.
No country has the right to pressure other countries.
Ningún país tiene derecho a presionar a otros países.
The talk about the Eritrean authorities being immune to pressure is unconvincing.
No es convincente la afirmación de que de nada sirve presionar a las autoridades eritreas.
They were used as devices to put pressure on the Government.
Se utilizaron como instrumentos para presionar al Gobierno.
- Exerting pressure for the establishment of a minimum wage salary in the field of private security;
Presionar para que se establezca un sueldo mínimo en el sector privado;
Pressuring Syrian Arab citizens to participate in elections to the Knesset;
Presionar a los ciudadanos árabes sirios para que participen en las elecciones al Knesset;
The people and the Government should not be pressurized through the resort to violence.
No se debe presionar a la población ni al Gobierno por medio de la violencia.
‘A bit of pressure?’
—¿Presionar un poco?
Not enough pressure.
Sin presionar lo suficiente.
"No one's going to pressure you.
—Nadie la presionará.
Exerting pressure on her emotionally?
¿Que la presionara emocionalmente?
They’re starting to put pressure.”
Están empezando a presionar.
They like to pressure witnesses.
Acostumbran a presionar a los testigos.
This is not a time to pressure Israel.
No es el momento de presionar a Israel.
She would have to put pressure on him.
Tendría que presionar un poco al joven.
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