Перевод для "is objective" на испанский
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Tables 29E.6 (Objective), 29E.8 (Objective 1), 29F.7 (Objective), 29F.9 (Objective 1), 29G.6 (Objective), 29G.8 (Objective 1)
Cuadros 29E.6 (Objetivo), 29E.8 (Objetivo 1), 29F.7 (Objetivo), 29F.9 (Objetivo 1), 29G.6 (Objetivo), 29G.8 (Objetivo 1)
Objective 1(a) is essentially the overarching objective of the ITTO, encompassing all of the other objectives.
El Objetivo 1(a) es esencialmente el objetivo global de la OIMT que abarca todos los otros objetivos.
(ii) A general objective and specific objectives for the period;
ii) Un objetivo general y objetivos específicos para el período;
(ii) Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, that is, objects which are not military objectives
ii) Dirigir intencionalmente ataques contra objetivos civiles, es decir, objetivos que no son objetivos militares
Relevance of the objectives to the objectives of the PFM
Pertinencia de los objetivos con relación a los objetivos del Plan Federal de la Mujer
Science... is objective.
La Ciencia.. es objetiva.
I have seen nothing in his behaviour other than a man of medicine who is objective about his care for you.
No he visto nada en su comportamiento nada más que un médico que es objetivo en los cuidados por usted.
There is a traditional definition of journalism that is objective, totally legal, never breaking the law to obtain content.
Hay una definición tradicional del periodismo que es objetivo, PAPEL DEL PERIODISMO totalmente legal, sin quebrantar la ley para obtener contenido. BRIAN ENTREVISTA A JULIAN ASSANGE
It doesn't matter who does the brushstrokes, the process is objective, and any painter who uses it, gets the same result.
no importa quién hace los trazos, el proceso es objetivo, y cualquier pintor que lo utiliza, obtiene el mismo resultado.
Wondering if what we're saying is objectively true, or wise without being able to specify how it can be tested
Nos preguntamos si lo que tratamos de expresar... es... objetiva y verdaderamente... válido para el espectador... Y resulta, a la vez, casi imposible.
My opinion is objective and professional.
Mi opinión es objetiva y profesional.
Subjectivity is objective.
La subjetividad es objetiva.
Responsible journalism is objective.
El periodista responsable es objetivo.
Yes, but subjectivity is objective.
Sí, pero la subjetividad es objetiva.
“What is your objective?” “My objective?
¿Cuál es tu objetivo? —¿Mi objetivo?
Objective One and Objective Two, they were saying.
Objetivo Uno y Objetivo Dos, decían.
“We have to complete the objective.” “This is the objective,” I said. “The team.”
—Tenemos que llegar al objetivo. —Este es el objetivo. El equipo.
That was his objective.
Este era su objetivo.
That is… not my objective.
—Ese no es… mi objetivo.
Wasn't that the object?"
¿No era este el objetivo?
“That would be the objective.”
—Ese sería el objetivo.
They weren’t Saul’s objective.
Ellos no eran su objetivo.
To him, the objective was everything.
Para él, el objetivo lo era todo.
By what objective measure?
—¿Con qué objetivos?
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