Перевод для "is jesus" на испанский
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Примеры перевода
Jesus Silva Herzog
Jesús Silva Herzog
This is Jesus.
Este es Jesús.
Yes, it is Jesus!
¡Sí, es Jesús!
Which is Jesus!
¡Que es Jesús!
Sally is Jesus.
Sally es Jesús.
Charlie is Jesus.
Charlie es Jesús.
That is Jesus.
Ese es Jesús.
"Jesus," Dan whistled, "Jesus!"
Jesús —silbó Dan—, ¡Jesús!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, repeated without pause or respite a hundred times;
Jesús, Jesús, Jesús, sin pausa ni resuello, hasta llegar a cien;
It's been known to happen. Jesus. Jesus!
—Ha ocurrido antes. Jesús, ¡Jesús!
  Jones slipped into a reverie--Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Father Divine.
Jones empezó a delirar: Jesús, Jesús, Jesús, Divino Padre.
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