Перевод для "is fat" на испанский
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Animal fats
Grasas animales
Fats and oils
Grasas y aceites
Fat (grams)
Grasas (gramos)
(i) Replace trans-fats with unsaturated fat;
i) Sustituir las grasas trans con grasas no saturadas;
:: Replacing trans-fats with unsaturated fat in food
:: Sustituir las grasas trans por grasas no saturadas en los alimentos
Fats, total
Grasas, total
There has been a dramatic change in replacing animal fats with plant fats, and a decrease in the general consumption of food fats.
Se ha producido un cambio drástico en la sustitución de grasas animales por grasas vegetales, así como un descenso en el consumo general de alimentos grasos.
Look, the doctor showed me, right... This is blood, and this is fat.
Esto es sangre y esto es grasa
Indeed, half their entire body weight is fat!
Es mas, la mitad de su peso corporal es grasa!
This here is fat.
Esto de aquí es grasa.
Brady's results were by far the worst... 47% of his body is fat, most of it in his belly, which is 60% fat.
Los resultados de Brady fueron los peores. El 47% de su cuerpo es grasa, mayormente abdominal, donde tiene 60% de grasa.
“Animal fat, animal fat.”
Grasa animal, grasa animal.
Pigoons are fat, and fat is a carbohydrate.
Los cerdones son grasa, y la grasa es un hidrato de carbono.
She said fat was good, fat was warm and comfortable.
Ella decía que la grasa era buena, que la grasa abrigaba y era confortable.
In wilderness areas, Americans also burned all kinds of fat – hog fat, deer fat, bear fat, even the fat of passenger pigeons – and fish oils, though all these were smoky and stank.
En zonas más salvajes, se quemaban además todo tipo de grasasgrasa de cerdo, grasa de venado, grasa de oso e incluso la grasa de alguna que otra paloma— y aceites de pescado, a pesar de lo mucho que humeaban y apestaban.
For their fat, mainly.
Principalmente por su grasa.
This is the same as fat.
—Eso es lo mismo que grasa.
- Your head is fat!
- ¡Tu cabeza es gorda!
This is Fat Gal Red.
Éste es Gordo Rojo.
Well, he is fat.
Bueno, es gordo.
Jane Plumm is fat.
Jane Plumm es gorda.
The word is fat.
La palabra es "gorda".
He is fat and foul.
Es gordo e inmundo.
The seventh is... fat.
La séptima es... gorda.
She is fat, though.
Pero ella es gorda.
I'm fat. Fats is fat.
Fats es gordo.
My daughter is fat.
Mi hija es gorda.
Fat! You’ve grown unbelievably fat!”
—¡Gorda! ¡Te has vuelto increíblemente gorda!
But a Fat Lady merely has to be fat.
A una gorda le basta con ser gorda.
"I love fat letters." "Fat!
Me encantan las cartas gordas. —¡Gordas!
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