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The Court stated that the intention of the legislator was to relive the burden on parents and support them when having more than two babies, and that the law should suit modern family structures in light of the Embryo Carrying Agreement (Agreement Authorization and Status of Newborn Child) Law 1996 (L.C. 12398-05-11, S.S.K et. al. v. The National Insurance Institue (7.9.2012)).
El Tribunal señaló que el propósito del legislador era mitigar la carga de los padres y prestarles apoyo cuando tuvieran más de dos niños y que la ley debía adecuarse a las modernas estructuras familiares teniendo en cuenta la Ley de regulación de acuerdos sobre la gestación de embriones (autorización de la concertación de acuerdos y condición jurídica del recién nacido) 1996 (L.C. 12398-05-11, S.S.K et. al. v. The National Insurance Institute (7 de septiembre de 2012)).
Based on Harris-Pascal, C., Humphrey, J., and Dolan, C., "Value chains and upgrading: the impact of UK retailers on the fresh fruit and vegetables industry in Africa", Institue for Development Studies, Brighton, United Kingdom, 1998.
Basado en C. Harris-Pascal, J. Humphrey, y C. Dolan, "Value chains and upgrading: the impact of UK retailers on the fresh fruit and vegetables industry in Africa", Institute for Development Studies, Brighton, Reino Unido, 1998.
Action Aides aux Familles Demunies, Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization, American Indian Law Alliance, American Psychological Association, Anglican Consultative Council, Assembly of First Nations-National Indian Brotherhood, Associated Country Women of the World, Association pour la formation et l'insertion sociale de l'adolescent et de la femme, Baha'i International Community, Benevolent Community Education and Rural Development Society, Catholic International Education Office, Centre féminin pour la promotion du développement, China Society for Promotion of the Guangcai Programme, Chinese Immigrants Services, Comité national d'Action pour les Droits de l'Enfant et de la Femme, Commonwealth Human Ecology Council, Commonwealth Medical Association, Communities Forestry and Social Development Organization, Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Development Innovations and Networks, Disabled Peoples' International, Dogal Hayati Koruma Dernegi (Society for the Protection of Nature), Dominican Leadership Conference, Egyptian AIDS Society, Elizabeth Seton Federation, English International Association of Lund (Sweden), European Youth Forum, Family Welfare Foundation of India, Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants, Feminist Press, Fraternité Notre Dame, General Arab Women Federation, Girls' Power Initiative, Global Education Associates, Gran Fraternidad Universal, Groupement d'appui aux initiatives économiques des femmes, Hadassah (Women's Zionist Organization of America), Handicap International, Hawa Society for Women, Inclusion International (International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicaps), Indian Council of Education, International Centre for Study and Development, International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity, International Council for Caring Communities, International Council on Alcohol and Addictions, International Federation for Family Development, International Federation for Home Economics, International Federation of Social Workers, International Federation of University Women, International Federation of Women in Legal Careers, International Federation of Women Lawyers, International First Aid Society, International Longevity Center, International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the Presentation, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, International Union of Students, International Women's Writing Guild, Islamic Women's Institue of Iran, JMJ Children's Fund of Canada, Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development, Lebanon Family Planning Association, Life Ethics Educational Association, Lutheran World Federation, Madre, Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights, Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Mbutu Agriculture Society, Mercy Corps International, Mother and Child African Relief Organization, National Right to Life Educational Trust Fund, National Union of Ghana Students, New Humanity, Organisation mondiale des experts-conseils arbitres, Pacific Rim Institute for Development and Education, Pax Romana, Paz y Cooperación, Peace Boat, Publication and Coordination Centre of Islamic Ideology and Sufi-ism, Rainforest Foundation International, Romanian Independent Society of Human Rights, Rural Women Environmental Protection Association, School Sisters of Notre Dame, Service and Research Foundation of Asia on Family and Culture, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries, Sociologists for Women in Society, Temple of Understanding, Triglav Circle, Union of Ibero American Capitals, United Methodist Church General Board of Global Ministries, United States Committee for UNIFEM, World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation, World Association of Former United Nations Interns and Fellows, World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women, World Federation of the Ukrainian Women's Organizations, World Student Christian Federation, Worldwide Organization for Women
Action Aides aux Familles Demunies, American Indian Law Alliance, American Psychological Association, Asociación de Mujeres Rurales para la Protección del Medio Ambiente, Asociación de Planificación de la Familia del Líbano, Asociación Internacional de Estudios sobre el Estrés Traumático, Asociación Médica del Commonwealth, Asociación Mundial de Antiguos Pasantes y Becarios de las Naciones Unidas, Asociación Mundial de Educación, Asociación Mundial de Mujeres Rurales, Asociación Mundial para la Rehabilitación Psicosocial, Assembly of First Nations-National Indian Brotherhood, Association pour la formation et l'insertion sociale de l'adolescent et de la femme, Barco de la Paz, Benevolent Community Education and Rural Development Society, Centre Féminin pour la Promotion du Développement, Centro de Publicación y Coordinación de Ideología Islámica y Sufismo, Centro Internacional de Longevidad, China Society for Promotion of the Guangcai Programme, Chinese Immigrants Services, Comité national d'Action pour les Droits de l'Enfant et de la Femme, Communities Forestry and Social Development Organization, Comunidad Internacional Baha'í, Concilio Consultivo Anglicano, Congregación de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Buen Pastor, Consejo de Ecología Humana del Commonwealth, Consejo Indio para la Educación, Consejo Internacional sobre el Problema del Alcoholismo y las Toxicomanías, Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo y la Solidaridad, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Dogal Hayati Koruma Dernegi (Sociedad Protectora de la Naturaleza), Dominican Leadership Conference, Egyptian AIDS Society, Elizabeth Seton Federation, English International Association of Lund (Suecia), European Youth Forum, Federación de Asociaciones de ex Funcionarios Públicos Internacionales, Federación General de Mujeres Árabes, Federación Internacional de Abogadas, Federación Internacional de Desarrollo de la Familia, Federación Internacional de Mujeres Juristas, Federación Internacional de Mujeres Universitarias, Federación Internacional de Personas con Discapacidad Física, Federación Internacional de Trabajadores Sociales, Federación Internacional para la Economía Familiar, Federación Luterana Mundial, Federación Mundial de Mujeres Metodistas y de la Iglesia Unida, Federación Mundial de Organizaciones de Mujeres Ucranianas, Federación Universal de Movimientos Estudiantiles Cristianos, Feminist Press, Fondo Hachemita Jordano para el Desarrollo Humano, Fraternite Notre Dame, Fundación Marangopoulos para los Derechos Humanos, Fundación para el Bienestar de la Familia en la India, Girls' Power Initiative, Gran Fraternidad Universal, Gremio Internacional de Escritoras, Groupement d'appui aux initiatives économiques des femmes, Hadassah (Asociación de Mujeres Sionistas de los Estados Unidos), Handicap International, Hawa Society for Women, Hermanas de la Misericordia de las Américas, Hermanas de Nuestra Señora de Namur, Hermanas Dominicas de Maryknoll, Iglesia Metodista Unida/Junta General de Ministerios Mundiales, Inclusion International (Liga Internacional de Sociedades en favor de las Personas con Deficiencia Mental), Innovaciones y Redes para el Desarrollo, International Centre for Study and Development, International Council for Caring Communities, International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the Presentation, Islamic Women's Institute of Iran, JMJ Children's Fund of Canada, Life Ethics Educational Association, Madre, Mbutu Agriculture Society, Mercy Corps International, Mother and Child African Relief Organization, National Right to Life Educational Trust Fund, National Union of Ghana Students, New Humanity, Oficina Internacional de Enseñanza Católica, Organisation mondiale des experts-conseils arbitres, Organización de Solidaridad de Pueblos Afroasiáticos, Pacific Rim Institute for Development and Education, Pax Romana, Paz y Cooperación, Rainforest Foundation International, Romanian Independent Society of Human Rights, School Sisters of Notre Dame, Service and Research Foundation of Asia on Family and Culture, Sociedad de Médicos Misioneros Católicos, Sociedad de Primeros Auxilios Internacionales, Sociedad para el Estudio Psicológico de las Cuestiones Sociales, Sociologists for Women in Society, Templo de la Comprensión, Triglav Circle, Unión de Ciudades Capitales Iberoamericanas, Unión Internacional de Estudiantes, United States Committee for UNIFEM, Worldwide Organization for Women.
G'll surely come to Tokyo, to the National Institue of chemistry in Shibuya.
Seguramente G se dirigirá a Tokio ahora. al Instituto Nacional de Química en Shibuya.
The Institue’s Wi-Fi munched awhile—it was slow—and then, just when Luke was starting to think it was a lost cause, took him to Griffin.
La red wifi del Instituto se quedó rumiando —era lenta— y al final, cuando Luke empezaba a darse por vencido, lo llevó a Griffin.
This whole day, from his arrival at work on, he had not given one thought to the fact that, a week ago, he had not been the Director of the Oregon Oneirological Institute, because there had been no Institue.
Todo el día presente, desde su llegada al trabajo en adelante, no había pensado una sola vez en el hecho de que, una semana atrás, él no era el Director del Instituto Onirológico de Oregon, porque no existía el Instituto.
— Du vivant de votre père, auriez-vous pu instituer cela ? — Difficile.
—Cuando su padre vivía, ¿habría podido instituir algo así? —Difícil.
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