Перевод для "in most were" на испанский
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While most were released in the following days, one remains in detention.
Aunque la mayor parte fueron puestos en libertad en los días siguientes, uno sigue todavía detenido.
Most were found to be groundless.
Se consideró que la mayor parte de esas denuncias eran infundadas.
However, most were tabled because of an intention that it be further developed into actions or concrete measures.
Ahora bien, la mayor parte de ellos fueron propuestos con el propósito de que se desarrollaran y convirtieran en acciones o medidas concretas.
Most were displaced south of the River Kiir to Agok, Twic County, Wau and Bentiu.
La mayor parte de estas personas fueron desplazadas del sur del río Kiir y se dirigieron hacia Agok, en el condado Twic, Wau y Bentiu.
Most were influenced by adults, but some acted alone and even directed other killers.
Aunque en su mayor parte actuaran influidos por los adultos, algunos obraron por su cuenta o incluso dieron instrucciones a otros homicidas.
Most were extremely concerned about their current conditions in Serbia, particularly with the approach of winter.
Preocupaban sobremanera a la mayor parte las condiciones actuales de Serbia, especialmente por la proximidad del invierno.
Most were of a rather minor character, but one substantial change raised criticism within the Commission.
La mayor parte de las modificaciones eran de escasa importancia, aunque hubo una sustancial que suscitó críticas en la Comisión.
Some of the 28 recommendations proposed were practical and could be considered, but most were intrusive.
De las 28 recomendaciones, algunas son prácticas y deben examinarse, pero la mayor parte son simplemente inoportunas.
Of the 95 persons killed or injured in targeted killings in Gaza since 1 January 2003, most were civilians.
La mayor parte de los 95 muertos o heridos en ejecuciones selectivas en Gaza desde el 1º de enero de 2003 eran civiles.
The influx of visiting investors cuts across a wide range of nationalities, but most were diaspora Palestinians.
Los inversores que acudieron pertenecían a una amplia gama de nacionalidades, pero en su mayor parte eran palestinos de la diáspora.
Most were terrible.
En su mayor parte eran horribles.
Most were representational and pleasingly so;
La mayor parte eran figurativos y agradables de ver;
Most were taken to the city crematorium.
A la mayor parte los trasladaban al crematorio de la ciudad.
Most were men, a few were women.
La mayor parte eran hombres, y había muy pocas mujeres.
They weren’t all looking at him, but most were.
No era el centro de todas las miradas, pero sí de la mayor parte.
Most were older than she was, older by a great deal.
La mayor parte eran viejas, mucho mayores que ella.
Most were simply just along for the fun.
La mayor parte habían venido tan sólo para divertirse.
Most were dull and blunt, with no trace of resonance.
La mayor parte de ellos eran obtusos y oscuros, sin rastros de resonancia.
Most were still on their backs and gazing into the sky.
La mayor parte de ellos estaban echados de espaldas y mirando al cielo.
They had rat hair and most were naked.
Tenían pelo de rata y en su mayor parte iban desnudos.
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